Secrets Kept

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"Look who I brought!" Jimin exclaims loudly, his eyes wide with excitement. My eyes are still bleary from sleep, just like everyone else.

He'd woken all of us up for some reason, at such an early hour.

Which is probably why Morning was staring daggers into him, her white eyes nearly glowing in cold annoyance. And when Jimin pulls in Jungkook, the annoyance gets deeper.

"What? It's just the kid." Jin yawns, but then his eyes widen when Jimin spins him around with a proud expression.

His eyes.

"What the heck?" I shout, the sleep completely gone as Jungkook blinks his doe eyes shyly at us. "What— How? He... wait, what just happened?"

"Ta-da! He can see again!" Jimin says happily, practically bouncing beside Jungkook. "Didn't expect that, huh? Are you guys still mad at me for waking you up early?"


V growls, his voice dark. He suddenly stands up, gripping Jungkook's wrist and staring deeply into his revived eyes. Then he turns to Jimin, scanning him top to bottom.

I can see Jimin swallow all the way from here.

"W-Why, what's wrong?" Jungkook murmurs, clearly taken aback by the storms in V's eyes. I am, too— and I quickly get to my feet.

"Tae, what's wrong?"

Shouldn't he be happy? Why was he acting like this?

"What did you do, Jimin?" He says lowly, and I frown in confusion at the terrified, panicked expression on V's face. "Where did you go? Yoongi hyung? You went to him, right?"

When Jimin's smiling lips turn down in horror, Jungkook pulls him back behind him. His eyes meet Tae's, narrowed in hurt.

"What's the problem? Why are you so angry about this— Jimin hyung didn't do anything wrong!"

I'm so confused.

"V, stop." Jin's hesitant voice suddenly comes from the back. "Jimin seems to be fine— it doesn't look like there's a problem. Just let it go."

"I can't." V turns, his green eyes pulsing. The words he says next doesn't give me a single answer to the million questions I have now. "You know he always takes something. Why would he just—"

Then Jin crosses his arms. His voice is steel now, so different from his usual tone.

"Let it go."

V bites his lip so hard it draws blood. But it's his older brother, so he lowers his piercing gaze. He finally draws back, looking over at Jimin pointedly before he disappears into his room.

I instinctively stand up and follow after him.

"V, what's the matter?" I say worriedly, closing the door behind me. He's chewing on his lip, eyes flickering up at me when I come in. "I'm so confused."

"Maybe I was wrong." He says, but still seems uncertain. "He seemed fine to you, White? He seemed fine."


"Jimin." He says, and I raise my brows in surprise.

"Jimin? Y-Yeah, he seemed perfect. But why would you be worried about him? It's Jungkook that just got his eyes back and all that...."

I have a really strong feeling he knows something that I don't, but then he stands up and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry." He says, pressing his lips to mine. I kiss back by instinct, but I'm still thinking if I should let this feeling go or not.

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