Magic Word

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I don't mean to act like this.

But my voice is slicing cold as I drop the dead man's throat from my grip, my Blessing dissipating away.

"She isn't here."

Jimin hyung gives me a sharp look, but I watch the little girl as she touches the opposite wall of the room.

"She was here. Traces of her Blessing on the wall." She blinks, and I make a painful sound deep in my throat.

What had she been doing inside a club like this? What had happened to her?

"Someone took her." Her brows furrow, and Jimin hyung encourages her gently. My heart's racing, because it's already been so much time.

"Where do you think she is?"

Brows still furrowed, she suddenly heads to a corner of the room. Pushing away the small table, she kicks at the wall.

It gives way to a hidden door, leading outside.

"Out here." She says, jumping back into  hyung's arms. Then she suddenly gasps, and my Blessing instinctively flares up.

"What is it?"

"Her— Her Blessing is so weak." My heart seizes when I hear her eyes scrunch in focus. "We need to hurry. Right now."



I blink open my heavy eyes, shivering violently. My body felt— it had never felt this close to death. I could almost feel it.

"Stubborn as hell." I feel nauseous and dizzy as the man drops to my eye level, his fingers gripping my chin.

"I've never seen a woman as damn stubborn as you."

I want to shoot back, but I can't talk. My tongue feels like rock in my mouth, heavy and thick. Everything hurt.

My eyes close again, only opening when I hear sharp clicks. The cold metal around my wrists release, and he pulls my body up into sitting position, back slouched against the wall.

It's so hard to breathe.

"Wake up." He hisses, and I just blink my eyes back open again. I didn't even realize that I'd closed them.

Then all of a sudden, I feel something press against my dry lips. I instantly jerk away, my eyes wide awake now. My body hurts from the sudden motion.

Revolt twists my face, and my chest heaves.


He did not just do that.

Something wet suddenly slips down my frozen, bruised cheeks, and I realize I'm crying. The blue-haired devil laughs at my tears.

"Only this to make you cry?" He mocks, shaking his head. "I didn't realize there was such an easy way."


What was I going to tell V?

Then he grips the tattered collar of my shirt, forcing me to face him again. Panic instantly kicks up, and I jerk my head back again.

"Don't touch me."

I start crying harder. His laughter mixes in with my soft cries when all of a sudden, his fingers suddenly slip off of me abruptly.

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