Asher Winter

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I'm alive.

Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be lying wide awake in the largest bed I've ever seen. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be looking out the window to see lands white with snow and the glass cloudy with frost.

Trust me, please.

He must've said that to me because of this. Because he knew he was going to tear my own knife into my chest the day after.

And I still can't forget the look in his eyes.

My head hurts to think about it, and I groan at the heaviness in my arms and legs as I climb down from the bed. My skin feels cold and sweaty to the touch, and I breathe in uneven gasps as my legs give out underneath my body.

And I just sit blankly on the ground like that, too confused and exhausted to get back up.

Trust me, please.

Why couldn't you have told me that night?

There's a heavy cloak wrapped around my shoulders, and I reach up to tug the clasp free. When it drops to the ground, I shiver.

Ignoring the chill, I shake off the two layers of fur-lined coats as well. It'd felt almost suffocating.

My head hurts, but it feels a bit clearer in the cold.

It takes almost five minutes to just get out the door, and I drag my bare feet down the freezing hallway. This wasn't the Palace— it had never been this cold before.

I don't know.

My thoughts keep returning to his pale green eyes, and I regret coming out of the room altogether. Now I just want to curl up on the floor in nothing but a thin nightdress and just sleep.

"Miss? Are you okay?"

Then a sudden silhouette appears in the corner of my swirling vision, and I scrunch my features together.

Not him.

"Fine." I force out, but it's barely a whisper. My tongue is like rock sitting inside my mouth, and my throat feels dry. "Can I have water, please?"

"Why aren't you wearing anything warm?" He exclaims, and I bite my lip when I realize he didn't hear.

"I..... I want water."

But he just keeps muttering to himself as he pulls his winter coat off, putting it around my shoulders. The sudden anger clears my clouded mind a bit more.

Not what I wanted.

"Miss, keep it on." He says when I try to shake it off of my body. It smells like vanilla, and I whine in annoyance as it clouds my mind up further.

Not the smell I want, either.

"Water." I rasp, feeling more thirst than I'd ever felt in my life. This time, he finally realizes I'm saying something and pauses trying to put the coat I keep shaking back off on me.

"What did you say?"

I'm about to repeat it when his eyes suddenly flash up, and he hurries to get to his feet. Another annoyed whine escapes my lips when I catch a scent of ice and sharp mint.


I forget all about water the moment I hear a shocked voice, quickly looking down on the floor to avoid his eyes. Black suede gloves wrap around my shoulders, and I blink.

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