His Purpose

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V presses me up to the corner of the wall, eyes flickering coldly side to side. My back touches the gray wall, and my chest beats rapidly as I look at the back of his body between me and everyone else.

Is he crazy?

I was the one who could at least protect my body for a little while— but he.... he was going to get hurt at the first strike!

But when I try to replace him as the front, I can't. He's pressed me so tightly that I barely have any space to breathe, less than move.

Then all of a sudden, the crowd of men clears. My head goes light with shock when they part, making way for an expensive-clothed man that walks through.

V growls lowly, shifting himself so that I'm completely covered. Now I can't even see what's going on.

"So you're the famous V Winter." A voice full of malice echoes inside the small cell, and I can feel V tense up readily against me.

"Show me the one hiding behind you, hm?"

I instinctively flinch, but V doesn't show a single inch of me. I press against his back, feeling safe behind his built figure.

"Fine— it was your choice." When I hear metal sliding, I push against V's unmoving body as hard as I can. He was going to get cut or something just because he wouldn't show the guy my face!

"I-I'm here."

When I finally poke my face out, V shoots me a look of disapproval. But I shake my head at him, shooting him a look back.

I was right— the men were going to cut him up if I had stayed put. They had their swords drawn, blades sharp and silver.

And as soon as I see his smirking expression, I see the same face ordering Jungkook and Jimin to be hurt. And then I just can't help myself.

"You @$$&@@&$ little &&$@@."

When I flash his shocked face a wicked smile and look up at V, he looks back at me with a sigh on his lips.

"White, I swear..."

"A feisty little vixen we have here, yes?" The man grits his teeth, and waves his hands furiously at his men. "Put Winter  in a cell and bring that girl to my room."

V roars, his face twisting with fury. His body glows up in an explosive red, his vibrant green eyes darkening.

"You're not taking her anywhere."

"We'll see about that." He says smugly, but crumples in pain when V sends out a wave of red, his Blessing cutting through the rows of men. I tighten my grip around the shirt on his back, noticing how he stumbles into me.

He's tired. Really tired.

The man rolls over on his hands, his features scrunched with fury and pain. He yells out a string of curses and words, all slurred together.

When I finally realize what he's talking about, it's too late.

V collapses into me, and I hug his body tightly to mine. Sweat pours down his forehead, his pale cheeks flushed with exertion. I can barely feel his Blessing, and it scares me.

It's not long before the men recover, and I wrap my arms around V even harder as the Emperor gets to his feet with an enraged look on his face.

"I've changed my mind." He growls, his expression crazed. "Bring both of them."


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