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"Why do you need bandages when you have me?"

At my confused exclamation, V gives me a sharp look. When Jimin bursts into laughter, he turns his narrow gaze onto his sibling before shifting back to me.

"Do you want another Mark when yours faded just yesterday?" He growls, tugging at his crimson-colored shirt. "Can the both of you leave?"

"No, but I think I can take it this time." I assure him, and his pale face scrunch into a wince. Jimin is giving him a surprised look for some reason, his mouth gaping open. "For real, I've been practicing."



"Okay." I'm walking with a satisfied half-smile on my face when he suddenly pulls his shirt over his head, revealing pale skin and the knife wound, red against the white.

"Wait what?"

When I slap both hands over my eyes, I hear the shrill familiar sound of Jimin's  amused laughter echo in the room. He'd just seated himself in the corner of the room now, with an amused look on his face.

When V growls deep in his throat and begins to reach for the white bandages, I wave my hands.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'm sorry." I say quickly, steeling my gaze and bracing for the familiar pain as I touch his shoulder. But when I do, all I feel is cool, smooth skin and my Blessing.

No pain, just like last time.

My confusion is still apparent on my face even when his wound is gone, keeping my hand on him even when my Blessing dissipates with its limit reached.

Then the pain comes back, and I stumble back rubbing the two of my hands with a agonized wince on my face.

Then I look at him, and the expression he has on his face stuns me to the ground. There's something like a mix of  desperation, bitterness, and lust— all coming together with conflicted realization.

"Jimin, get out." He suddenly says, not even giving a glance to his older brother as he raises himself from the bed. There's almost like an urgency to his movements, and I force down the instinct to simply just run.

"Well—" Jimin drags out, eyes flickering curiously. "What are you going to do?"

Then V points an opened palm towards his direction, his Blessing flaming to life. At that, Jimin rolls his eyes in disappointment and exits the room, his steps quick.

"W-W-Wait!" I exclaim when he suddenly comes close, his steps fleeting. To my surprise, he actually stops, the color of his eyes a deep forest green. "What are you—"



"Your hand, demoiselle." He whispers, and I look down confusedly at his outstretched one. "Sometimes I think you really have the intelligence of a child."

"But it'll hurt like heck!"

But when the stare he's giving me turns even more flatter than it already is, I purse my lips and slide my hand into his already-spread ones.

My Blessing's already spent.

But it doesn't hurt. The same feeling of his cold, smooth skin brushing against mine, making a shiver run down the length of my spine.

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