"A.M.. Yesterday.."

"Hitoshi Shinso! Yup, thats it, your getting a break!" He said, standing up and taking me by the arm.

"No." I said, falling limp to make it harder for him to drag me away.

"Fine, if your gonna- ugh- make this harder, I'll just have to-.. do- oh my gosh can't you help me out a little bit?" He asks, irritated. With both of his hands under my armpits, I was sagging to the floor with my legs extended and shoulders hunched up.

"Nope." I grunt, flopping more intensely than before, making my tailbone nearly touch the floor as Denks attempted to hoist me up again.

"You are no help." Denki said, catching his breath. "Okay, okay. You win, you can stay here and watch Red." He says in defeat, dropping me to the ground.

"Okay mister, have fun with my bratty little sister." I say, waving him off and taking my seat back.

"But," Oh, how I new there was going to be a but.. "You won't get to see me in a dress."

"Thats fine?" I shrug, I saw him in dresses plenty of times, and today would definitely not be the last.

"But what if I told you that I'm wearing them?"

"Wearing what? A dress? I know your gonna wear a dress, you always do when Eri invites you for a tea party."

"Not that, you know. The gift you gave to me about a week ago or so?"


"Babe, come on. Well I guess if you can't figure it out, you won't get to see them tonight. Or ever."

"Are you talking about the black ling-" With a sudden realization, I immediately jerk up, and storm off to the door.

"Where are you going?" He calls behind me.

"To Eri's room. I'm not missing out on seeing you wear those panties tonight!" I yell to the blonde behind me, snickering.

~time skip~

"Mr. Babbles, could you please pass the cookies?" 

"Why yes of course Miss Unicorn." I say in a high-pitched voice, handing the plate of cookies to my little sister.

"Sir Chunky, would you also like some cookies?" Eri said in her 'fancy deep voice,' placing one of the cookies on her own plate.

"Yes please!" My boyfriend chirps, reaching out for the plate.

Although I was currently playing an innocent game of tea party with my eight-year-old sister, my mind kept wandering to Denki, and what was lying underneath his skirt. Why would he do this to me? Teasing me like this was cruel..

"These cookies are so good Eri! Where did you get them?" 

"I made them myself!"


"Yup! With a secret ingredient, too."

"And whats that?"

"My hair." She said, smiling proudly. I coughed, not believing that I just ate hair cookies. Why was she so dumb, putting her hair in the batter.

"Eri, why did you do that?" I ask, as Denks 'sneakily' spit his cookie out in a napkin.

"Because its a secret ingredient Hitoshi!"

"But why your hair of all things?" I argue.

"Its magic hair!"

"No, its not. And thats gross. We don't want to eat your hair, Eri." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Hmp. Fine then, Twinkles likes them!"

"Good for him."


"Toshi, be nice." Denki interrupts, I listen against my will, not wanting to lose possibly the only chance I had at at seeing those black laces in use.

"Fine." I grumble, crossing my arms and slumping back into my chair, making my dress's skirt poof up.

"Ahem, Prince Hitoshi?" I hear a feminine voice call from the door, it was a maid, as usual.

"Yes ma'am?" I answer, turning around in the chair to face her.

"It's Red. He's having another nightmare,"

"Oh goodness," I say, getting up to go to Red's aid, "Did you guys wake him up?"

"We've been trying, but he hasn't been giving any responses." She explains as we rush down the halls.

"Okay. How bad is the nightmare, like what was he doing when you saw him?"

"He was thrashing around on the ground, screaming."

"Screaming? Thats new.." I say, walking faster to his room. Why does he have to suffer like this? Its not fair, he shouldn't have to deal with this level of trauma.

Walking into the room, I see three maids surrounding a loud and whimpering Red. One held a towel to his head, the other was holding his hand, and the last was pinning his legs down. I assume he was kicking in his nightmare too, which has already given me a bruise on my calf.

"Okay, okay. Thank you ladies for taking good care of him." I say as they carefully get off of him, making room for me.

Picking him up into my arms, I hear the door close, signaling that the maids left. I hold the whimpering and jerking Red, and push his head into my shoulder.

"Shhhhh, its alright. Your okay, its me, Shinso." I hush, rubbing his back and quieting him down.

"Scared, Bakugo help." He mumbled.

"Red, its okay, your here with me. Shhhhhh." I rocked him slowly.

Bakugo, please be okay, for Reds' sake.

TELL ME HOW WE GOT ANOTHER 1K VEIWS AND OVER 100 MORE VOTES IN THE PAST DAY? excuse me while i go die for a moment..


thank youuuuuu <3 <3 <3 <3 i love y'all so much, thank you for being my reason to live in these hard times. i wish each and everyone of you well, and i hope you guys stay in good health

-1408 words-

~tragedy out <3

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