Before You Go(Number Five)

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A/N: HIII! Here's today's update! Thank you once again for all the reads, votes and comments! I hope you enjoy this one!


Here lies

(Y/N) (L/N)

A best friend, a sister and a lover


The words pierced into Five's head as he glared onto the concrete.

You were his best friend. His one true love. His everything. He thought he treated you right, he thought that he had given you everything so why?

Why did you do what you did?

It had pained Five to know that it might've been his fault that you did what you did.

The event had happened in an instant, Five hadn't known how to react. Your parents had told him you had killed yourself but the reason was unknown. Everyone had mourned for you but not as much as Five had mourned.

Once the funeral had finished, he began becoming distant, he found it difficult to keep a conversation without thinking about you every second so he stopped talking altogether. Anything to get his mind off of you, he would do it. It had gone to the point where he wouldn't come out of his room. 

Klaus looked at his brother's door awkwardly, wondering what method he should try today to try and coax him out.

When he was deep in thought, he began feeling strange, he felt a presence in this room, a very familiar presence. Turning around, he was greeted a familiar face.

"Klaus." You smiled before the worried brother, watching how his whole body was alert. 

"You look different," Klaus stated as you chuckled nodding. 

You were glowing bright white, which was different from the ghosts that Klaus had encountered. 

"Yeah well, they allowed me a few minutes to say my last goodbyes." 

"Oh." He mumbled and an awkward silence ensued, that was, until you took his hands, gripping them as tightly as you could before saying:

"Goodbye, Klaus. I'll miss you." 

"I'll miss you too (Y/N). Say hi to Ben for me." 

"I will." You promised as you stared sadly at Five's door.

"How is he?" You asked as Klaus' face became somber once more.

"You wanna go talk to him?" He asked you back as you looked at him confused.

"What happened?"

"He's been different when you left (Y/N)." That was all you needed to know as you shift into his room, noticing that he was laying on his bed, the locket that you had given him for his birthday held tight by his right hand. He appeared to be sleeping, so without any other option, you walked over to him and held onto him, successfully entering his dream.

Five had found himself in a dark room,  there was smoke everywhere, but it looked like it didn't suffocate him. That was when it happened. Appearing from the smoke that had surrounded the room was you, in all your beautiful glory.

Five watched breathlessly as you smiled at him, walking towards where he had stood, stopping right in front of him.


"Hey Five."

"You're here! But how?" Five gasped in shock as you chuckled.

"I missed you." He stated before closing the distance between the two of you only for him to pass right through, falling straight to the ground

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