Hickey(Aidan Gallagher)

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A/N: You might be thinking, this doesn't say Number Five! Maybe the author made a mistake? Well I didn't! As we have officially reached 1K votes I have decided to make a different type of imagine! An Aidan Gallagher one! So thank you TEM123455! For requesting an Aidan Gallagher Imagines! I hope you like it!

You and Aidan had met during a Frnkiero concert as you and one of your close friends had gotten free tickets from your parents to go. Now you didn't mind their music, your close friend however loved their music and she bribed you to go as she was bringing her homemade (favourite food). So the two of you went, hoping to make the most of it.

Once her parents had dropped you two off outside the Hollywood Paladium, you had accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorr-" You trailed off as you saw who exactly you had bumped into.

Aidan Gallagher.

The Five Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy.

The Nicky Harper from the famous Nickelodeon show Nicky, Dicky, Ricky and Dawn.

Remaining your composure you looked at him.

"No worries. It was my fault as well. I didn't see you there." He smiled as you shyly smiled back at him.

"(Y/N)! Come on! We're gonna be late!" Your close friend, (Random Name) gushed Before she pulled you away from Aidan who was chuckling at your obvious discomfort.

"Why'd you do that?!" You growled quietly at her as she shrugged:

"Hey, I didn't know that the guy you talked to was important. Seeing as the both of you did meet like 2 minutes ago. By bumping into each other nonetheless. Most people would've just said sorry and be on their way."

"Yeah most people would if they didn't know the person! But most people, me included, knew that person. It was Aidan freaking Gallagher! Do you not realise what you had dragged me away from?" You asked her as she stood there confused.


"You dragged me away from ever being this close to talking to him."

"Oh if that's what you're worried about then you won't need to fear." She stayed as you looked at her in confusion.

She then proceeded to pointing behind you as you scrunched your eyebrows before taking a peek to see that Aidan was walking towards you.

"Hey. (Y/N), Right?" He asked as he approached you. You nodded awkwardly, not trusting your voice to say anything.

"Yes. This is (Y/N). I'm her bodyguard (Random Name). You touch her. You die." She growled as Aidan laughed.

"I won't touch her if she doesn't want me to. Rest assured." Aidan promised as you smiled at his cuteness.

"Well this is nice and all but we're going to be late! Now move it folks! My parents didn't just pay for VIP for no reason!"

"Wait you're in VIP as well?" Aidan asked as you showed him your pass. This had caused him to smile and show him his pass before he extended a hand for you to take.

You carefully took it, unsure of what he was going to do next only to realise he had interlocked his hand with yours and dragged you into the paladium to see the concert.

After that, You and Aidan have been in a secret relationship for 3 years now. It was your choice to keep it as a secret as it would cause unnecessary attention on you and you didn't want that.

Especially with how overprotective his fans are.

The only one who knows is (Random Name) and your father as he was the more chill parent, your mother on the other hand, was very very protective.

Which then led you to this predicament:

"(Y/N). How did you get that hickey?"

"What hickey? It's a bruise." You lied as your overprotective mother narrowed her eyes at you.

You see, apparently Aidan thought it was a good idea to give you a hickey during one of your staying at home dates where the two of you would just binge watch movies and series. You feel asleep for just a moment and the hickey was there.

As you had pranked him by making it seem you were suffering from an unknown disease with an unknown cold, he decided to make it seem that you had cheated on him and his plan was perfect as nothing could awake you from your sleep.

He wanted you to feel the 'pain' he was in when you pranked him and he resulted to your mother. He knew from your stories that your mother was very protective but as he has made his way into her heart, Aidan knew she would blame him and instead would blame you.

"Mom. It's nothing. Really. I'm going to go now. I'm late for school." You urged as you tried to leave the house, Aidan sitting on one of the chairs in the dining table smiling cheekily as he drank his drink.

"Oh no you don't missy. Not with that hickey you're not." Your mother hissed as she dragged you back in and onto the chair next to Aidan's.

"Now. I love the both of you very much and I know Aidan would never do something like this so tell me, who gave you that hickey?" You mom asked menacingly as you glared at Aidan who was keeping up his innocent act.

This was probably why he was an actor.

"Fine! You want to know? Aidan did!"

"Don't lie to me young lady. Aidan would never make advances if he didn't have permission."

"I'm not! Strap him into a lie detector if you don't believe me!"

"(Y/N)! That's no way to treat your guest." Aidan stated joining in on your demise.

"Well you aren't my guest you're my boyfriend. Now shut the hell up before I make sure you won't see daylight." You threatened as you mother raised her eyebrow suggestively at the two of you.

"Am I missing something?"

"Why yes, Ms. (L/N). Your daughter and I are dating." Aidan answered before you could stop him. Your mother's facial expression changed from surprise, to anger to happiness.

Wow. She's bipolar.

He tricked me into spilling out the truth! That sly little.

"I'm so happy for the two of you!" She giggled as she proceeded to pull you into a hug.

"So you're not mad that I didn't tell you?" You mumbled as she looked at you.

"Oh honey. I'm mad beyond compare but at this moment I'm so happy you made the right decision to go and date Aidan. He's such a gentleman."

"I try." Aidan smiled as your mother nodded and ordered:

"Now Mr. Gallagher. I want my daughter back from her date before 11."

"Anything you want Mrs. (L/N). Thank you. I'll be taking good care of (Y/N)." He stated as he started dragging you outside.

"Does no one seem to care what I think?! I have school! I can't go on a date! I'll miss all my studies!" You shouted as you didn't want to leave the house.

"(Y/N). You don't like school." Aidan said obviously as you contemplated with yourself.

If I go, I get to skip school

But what about my friends?

Aidan is more important

But, but my studies

You hate studying.

You sighed as you let Aidan drag you to wherever he wanted you to go. The two of you had spent the day going to the cinema and watching the movies that were on. 

A/N:  I will be doing more specials like these, but it will still mostly be Umbrella Academy characters as this is an Umbrella Academy Imagines!

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