April Fools!(Number Five)

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A/N: As this is April Fools I have decided to make an Imagines such as this, I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night! Also, thank you all SOOO much for 4K votes and 135K reads!!! I really appreciate it! But anyway, on to the story!

You had this ability which allowed you to view one day into the future which you always use to your advantage, studying in the morning before any pop quiz and acing it as you knew all the questions they were going to ask. Always ready for any news that came coming your way whether it be one of your friends breaking up with their boyfriend or even the result for the test you had a few days back.

Overall, your life was perfect, you had friends who stuck by you, family who would always be there to support you, but no one knew about your ability because you knew they would use it to their advantage, you just didn't trust them enough, even if they were family or best friends.

Until Of course, one night, March the 31st to be exact, you had a vision:

You woke up at 7:00 am sharp before making your way downstairs to find your mom making (favourite food).

The scene changes and you find out that (Random Male Name) finally asked (Random Name) to the party which you were glad for as you knew they had been crushing on each other for a very long time.

The scene then changes to when you were outside of your school, looking at multiple falling objects that appear to be large in shape and on fire.

One by one the objects hit the ground causing large earthquakes and explosions to happen all around you, your classmates screaming and tumbling down to the unknown as cracks began opening up.

It was the end of the world, the apocalypse.

Thinking quickly, you tried running, away from all this mess only to find yourself in a different scene. This time, everything around you was dead, stabbed or pierced onto the ground by the objects and staring back at you was your own body, lying on the ground, a pillar going through you.

You began to warily walk towards your dead body, hand leaning to touch your body's face before your dead body jerked forward, waking up and screaming which had caused the real you to wake up from the vision, the alarm clock blaring at exactly 7:00am.

Quickly, you changed your clothes and prayed that your mom didn't serve you (favourite food) only to realise that she did.

Okay. Maybe it was a coincidence. She always served me (favourite food).

You tried reassuring yourself as you began walking towards school to find your classmates talking about the school dance tonight, saying how they were all excited to go.

You sat down on one of the tables situated outside the school and began to ponder, thinking of ways to change the day.

"Hey (Y/N). Is something the matter?" (Another Random Name), one of your closest friends asked as she sat down next to you.

You nodded and told her about your vision.

"(Y/N). You're joking aren't you?"

"What? No?"

"Like I get how it's April Fools and all but to joke about something like that is a bit much? Don't you think?" She asked as you stared at her in disbelief.

Sooner or later, you were joined by (Random Name) who had placed her bag next to the table and sat down.

"What's up?"

"(Y/N) here tried to prank about the world ending."

"Wow (Y/N). You can't joke about stuff like that. Especially the night when (Random Male Name) finally asks me out." She stated as you growled in annoyance.

"Why does nobody believe me?!" You growled out in anger as (Another Random Name) looked at you unimpressed, (Random Name) long gone as she went to sit with her crush.

"The meteor will strike tonight and there is nothing we can do about it unless we can find the cause!" You stated as (Another Random Name) rolled her eyes.

"Look (Y/N). It's April Fools and everyone has been making all kinds of pranks. How would I know that yours isn't one too?" She asked as you thought for a moment.

"Well I'm not pranking you. This is a matter of life and death!" You answered honestly as she just sighed.

"I've fallen for 3 pranks today and I am NOT gonna fall for another one."

"Listen to me-" Before you could continue someone had rapped on your shoulder which made you turn around only to find a boy, around the age of 13, staring at you with interest.

"Did you just say a meteor will strike tonight?" He asked confused as you nodded while (Another Random Name) pulled you away before apologising:

"I'm sorry kid. She's a bit on the crazy side."

"I am not!" You growled as the boy smiled before saying:

"Come with me."

The two girls looked at each other before shrugging and you walked with the boy.

"What if I told you I was from the future?"

"Then I'd think you were lying."

"Well I'm not because I am from the future and I'm trying to stop the apocalypse from happening."

"Right. So you believe me?" You asked as he nodded.

"But I disputed the matter. It won't happen." He reassured you as you looked at him in shock.

"That can't be right. My visions are never wrong." You retorted back as you looked at you confused.

"My ability allows me to see what will happen the next day, whether it be someone in my school breaking up or simple things like what I will have for breakfast and my visions always happen, no matter what." You explained as The boy nodded before asking:

"Which means there's nothing we can do to stop it?"

To which you nodded and said:

"Unless of course, I change what I do normally to something different for example waking up at 7:00 am instead of 7:30 am, then the entire dream or vision would no longer happen and I've been trying to do something differently today but everything that had happened in my vision last night is still happening, no matter what I do." You informed as he nodded before pondering for a moment. 

"I need you to help me." He ordered as you just looked at him confused:

"With what?" You asked as he looked at you with an 'are you serious' expression before rolling his eyes:

"The apocalypse." 


"You got any ideas?" 


"Well that's pretty disappointing seeing as you did see the apocalypse happen right before your eyes." He stated as you growled at him. 

"Well I'm sorry that I don't know how to stop the apocalypse." You said sarcastically as you crossed your arms. 

"How about you, you had like what, a few days to stop the apocalypse, why couldn't you stop it?" 

"I don't know the cause of it."

"And you think I do? My powers have limits too you know. Like for example, it only shows me things that I found important and meeting you didn't appear in my mind at all this entire day which means that my vision is failing me." You stated as he just sighed and scratched his head. 

"Look. I think we got off on the wrong foot-" 

"Ya think?" 

"What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for lashing out on you and that I should've introduced myself first. My name is Five." He smiled, extending his right hand to greet you. 

"Five as in the number Five?" 


"Okay. My name is (Y/N)." You greeted as you shook his hand pretty awkwardly. 

"What's suppose to happen now?" 

"You help me stop the apocalypse. We're already wasting valuable time." 

"We just met a few minutes ago."

"And we're already bonding would you look at that. Now come on." He ordered as he got a hold of you arm and teleported away to a large building you had never seen before or at least, what was left of the large building. 

It was all ruined, crumbled blocks, shattered glass as well as what appears to be an umbrella logo on the ground. Fire filled the air as the smoke made its way to your lungs causing you to cough a bit which alerted the attention of the other people who were with you. 

"Who's she?" A very very tall and intimidating man asked glaring at you as you tried your best to hide behind Five who was shorter than you. 

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