Medium(Number 4/Klaus Hargreeves)

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A/N: This is more of a best friend type of relationship which may blossom into more. Enjoy!

Requested by: 

Klaus Hargreeves. The Seance. A drug addict. A talking to the dead isn't really my hobby type of person. You found him to be mysterious. Strange but in a good way. You crossed paths with him when he had suddenly appeared in front of your doorstep, asking to be let in and out of the cold weather.

As you lived with no one you let him in, feeling sorry for him and guided him towards the couch in your living room where he sat, very comfortably as you passed him a towel.

"Thank you." He whispered, breathing heavily as he rubbed his hands together while you admired him. There was something about him that made you want to know more.

"Your brother told me to come here by the way. In case you're wondering how I know you (Y/N)."

He had said your name. You've never recalled ever introducing yourself to him causing you to stare at him in confusion, this had made him laugh.

"Your brother. (Brother/Name). The one that was killed. He told me to go to you and keep you safe."

"What are you talking about. I don't have a brother." You lied, you didn't like how this man knew information about you and your family.

"Are you sure we have the right person?" The man asked looking towards the other couch that was empty.

"Who are you talking to?"

"(Brother Name)."

"That can't be."


"He died. How can he talk to you?"

"Well deary. I'm what people call Medium. I can talk to the dead you see." You nodded still unsure.

"What was my favourite snack?" You asked carefully as the man relayed your question to the still empty couch.

"(Favourite snack)."

"Favourite colour?"

"(Favourite colour)."

"W-How?" You asked shocked as you glanced between the person and then at the empty couch.

"You got some money to spare love?"

'What for?" You asked confused as he showed you his drugs.

"You're a druggie?"

"Hey! You would be to if you could talk to the dead and hear their voices everyday." He defended as you laughed.

"I don't have anything with me right now. You're welcome to stay for tonight..." You started waiting for his name.

"Klaus. Klaus Hargreeves."

"Wait. The Hargreeves Family? From the Umbrella Academy?"

"You've heard of me?"

"Who hasn't? You were all over the news! I gotta say you looked very stylish even with your uniform on."

"Oh. Danke."

"You're very welcome." You smiled before heading towards the kitchen to make hot drinks for both you and Klaus. You returned a few seconds later to find Klaus raising his hands up, with both hands glowing green, which made him look very weird.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to conjure your brother."

"What for?"

"He's been nagging me to let him talk to you but it doesn't seem to work." Klaus said sighing before he gave up. You put a hand on his back and rubbed it affectionately.

"It's fine. You can try again later. Here. I made hot chocolate."

"Bless you." You smiled as you gave him his drink before taking a seat next to him and turning on the TV. 

After that day, he had visited often, coming over to your house or your work place bringing different types of gifts every time he sees you. One evening, Klaus had told you to wait in your room as he prepared the gift for you, making sure to lock your room from the outside. 

"Klaus. Open the door! I don't need a gift. Really!" 

"Well you're gonna love this one." 

"You've given me a lot already! Just open the door!" 

"Almost done." 

You kept on banging the door so often that when it had suddenly opened, you banged it on someone or should I say your supposedly dead brother's head. 

"Holy sh*t." You muttered as your brother groaned in pain. 

"Glad to see you too sis." He mumbled as you quickly hugged him, holding him close to you thinking if you hugged him tight enough, he would come back alive to you but you knew that never worked. It couldn't work that way. Once they're dead, they stay dead, bringing them back alive would just make things more complicated. 

Klaus had apparently been able to conjure your brother from the dead, even if it was just for a short 30 minutes. They talked about everything they could in thirty minutes and the time was over and he disappeared, you heard a thud on the ground and found Klaus knocked out, unconscious on the ground. 

You quickly helped him onto the couch and laid him there, making sure he was comfortable before laying a blanket over him. 

"Thank you. For everything." You smiled before kissing his forehead and going back to you room once more. 


"Give me my meds (Y/N)!" He ordered as you rolled your eyes. 

"You and I both know that these aren't meds." 

"They're for my asthma!" 

"You don't have asthma!"

"And how would you know?" 

"I see you every day and not once have you had an attack or showed any symptoms." 

"That's because of my meds." 

"Right the meds that makes you high." 


You threw the drugs away, watching as Klaus moaned in pain at the loss of his 'meds'.

"If I die, it's on you." 

"Sure." You said nonchalantly as you walked away with him close behind you. 

A/N: Shorter than the rest cause I ran out of ideas... sorry.

Umbrella Academy ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora