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Hello! It is I! I am back and with two new imagines! Which will appear after this tagged chapter.

Thank you otakus_need_love for tagging me and I am very very sorry for not exactly doing it in 3 days but as I am traveling I have very limited WiFi.

There really isn't anything interesting about me but here we go!

1. My favourite mobile game right now is Stardew Valley, it's a bit pricey but if you're into nurturing games it's amazing!

2. Used to have a pet turtle that lived up till I was 10, but then died of old age, still miss him to this very day.

3. I am allergic to almost any type of fur, yes, even fake ones as well as dust, which means I never had furry pets.

4. Whenever I finish watching a movie/series I always picture myself/ my OCs in these movies/series, I don't know why.

5. Another one of my hobbies is drawing, though I'm not very good.

6. My friends say I am positive all the time, but I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing

7. I am a proud Slytherin, always have always will be.

8. I am Indonesian

9. I LOVE writing, which is no surprise but it just brings me so much joy!

10. I am madly, so deeply in love with so so many fictional characters.










I am very bad at making jokes so please, brace yourselves, it's about to get really, really cringey:

Where does a cow hang his paintings?

In the Mooseum.


Hmm... in one of the imagines I'm writing,(Y/N) will die and it will be different than the other few I am writing because this time, I'll be letting you, yes you, my readers, choose what will happen to you or, um, (Y/N). Not really a spoiler but, Hope you look forward to it!

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