Betrayal(Number Five)

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A/N: Here is the second update for today!!! I had a sudden surge of imagination and came up with this. Hope you enjoy!

You and The Handler. Were the best of friends. You had created The Commission together, to make sure that there was peace in the world.

You and her were like two peas in a pod, until you had suffered a grave injury that had ruined your entire body that The Handler had no choice but to move you into an Android she had created. As your brain was the only thing left undamaged, it was easy for The Handler to reprogram you into a new body.

What she hadn't expected was for the android to start morphing into your 20 year old form, from metal to (S/C) skin. You had looked like yourself, before you had died.

From then on, The Handler had felt jealous. Jealous of you. How you could stay in your 20 year old form for a long time without having to go through the process of ageing. How you could get the attention of all the agents, just by walking into the room.

Sooner or later, she had finally had enough of you. So she sent you on a dangerous mission she knew you couldn't come back from. And she made sure you didn't.

The Handler had hired the best of the best to kill you and they had. She had witnessed it with her own eyes as your body was left to rot in the now broken down building.

Years later, The Handler had found Five, a 50 year old man in need of a place to stay. She trusted him more than anything in the world, until of course he had betrayed her. By going back in time and not assassinating the target.

What she wasn't expecting was for Five to find you during one of his old missions.

"Is the mission done?" The Handler asked through a comm that Five had carried.

"It's done. They're dead." He told her before switching the comm off and started to open the briefcase when suddenly, he had heard a noise.

Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to see what the sound was. What he had found was shocking. There laid an Android, covered in stones and debris. A large spear stabbed right on her core.

Five looked at Dolores before looking at the Android.

'We should take her. Rebuild her.' Dolores suggested as Five nodded and began removing the Android from the spear. He quickly held onto her and shifted back into The Commission and into his room where he hid the Android.

'We need a core powerful enough to wake her. You got any ideas?'

"Yes. One. But it's risky. I overheard some of the agents here say that someone had found a core strong enough to power an entire space ship and I think I know who has it." Five explained as he walked into one of the rooms to find loads of gizmos lying around.

He quickly took the core he had been looking for and teleported out. Walking quickly back into his room and replacing the old core, with the new.

As if by magic, the core had begun to lighten up and the android's metal plates began to morph into what looked like a (S/C) girl with (H/C) hair.

"Beautiful." Five muttered as he reached to stroke your cheek. Your eyes had flickered open, revealing a beautiful (E/C) hue as you stared in shock at the unfamiliar figure in front of you.

Your battle senses kicked in and you grabbed his hand and twisted it, knocking The old man down as you held onto his arm.

"Who are you? What's your agent code?" You ordered as the old man grunted before saying:

"Five. Agent 005. Recruited by The Commission."

"I don't remember recruiting someone like you."

"You didn't recruit me. The Handler did."

"She wouldn't recruit someone without asking for my permission first."

"You weren't there."

"I've always been here. The Commission is something she and I started together."

"Yeah well, she's saying otherwise."


"All history records of The Commission states that The Handler was the only founding member of The Commission."

"Impossible. She wouldn't do that." You muttered before a surge of memories came rushing through you.


"Who hired you?" You growled as you were covered with stones and debris from the building that had miraculously collapsed.

"The Handler."

"I knew it." The Handler had finally made her appearance. She walked towards you and smirked at your pathetic form.

"You knew all along didn't you?"

"Why would you do this? I thought we were partners." You asked hurt as The Handler kept on smirking while she kneeled down to your height.

"You lost that title the moment you took my spotlight." With that she motioned towards the Assassins to kill you. And kill you they did, by stabbing a large spear into your core, deactivating it.

"What now?"

"Take her out of the stones. I want her form to be glistening in glory." She ordered as they dragged an unconscious You out of the stones, the spear still stuck in your core.

They hanged you up in the air, the other side of the spear planted firmly onto the ground.

"What should we do with the body?"

"Leave it. Let this be a reminder to whoever defies The Commission." With that The Handler left with the assassins back to their base leaving you to rot.


"I apologise. It seems that the woman you come to know as The Handler, has betrayed me."

"Betrayed you how exactly?" Five asked as he listened to your story and you told him every single bit of it.

He had taken you to his last mission as he wanted you to come with him and you gladly accepted, I mean, he was your boyfriend after all. The moments you had spent cooped up in his room and getting to know Five, he had unlocked an emotion you had thought was long gone. Love.

You had learned to love Five and as did he, along with Dolores as a frequent companion that you could always talk to and now here you were, back in Five's past.


-AROUND EPISODE 8 or 9(I forgot)-

Once the both of them had disappeared and was back at The Commission, The Handler took Five to her office to discuss his new job.

Everything was going smoothly until Five raised his gun and pointed it at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Something I should've done long ago."

"You wouldn't have the balls to do it. I took you in as one of my own. You should be grateful."

"You're right. I wouldn't have the balls. But I found someone who does." Five smirked as The Handler frowned while you walked into the room.


"It's very nice to see you old friend."

"How are you still alive?! I thou-"

"You thought I was dead? Oh honey, it takes more than an entire building and a spear to kill me."

"You were suppose to be dead. How did you survive?"

"Oh you know. I just had to make sure my body had enough power to recharge back to life. It was your mistake to have left me there and not finished the job by disintegrated my body. That. Was on you." You explained simply as you glared at the Now nervous Handler.

"Impossible. I made sure your core was dead."

"That was where you are wrong again. I knew that you were plotting against me, it was very evident. I just had to make sure you never found out that I knew. I hid a secret core that my boyfriend Five, here, found." You stated as Five smirked before wrapping his arm around your waist, gun still raised.

"Now. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to let Five go from The Commission. Once and for all."

"He just signed a contract. He can't leave!"

"A contract that I can easily overrule. As I was and still am one of the founding members of The Commission. So, what's it gonna be?"

"Who do you think the people are going to believe?! You! Someone Who's suppose to be dead? Or me! Their supreme leader?!"

"Well Five believed me and he was your best warrior yet. So I'm pretty sure the others won't be so hard to persuade." With that you smirked and raised your hand before it morphed into a gun of some sort.

"Now. Release him from his duty. Now. Or I'll just have to make sure you die."

"Then shoot me. If I don't give the signal Five will still be part of The Commission."

"Now why would I want to shoot you? After all the pain and suffering you've caused me? When I've been there for you every step of the way. You think I'd just shoot you? Oh no. You deserve more than that. You deserve to be serenaded with a broadcast."

"What broadcast?"

"Oh you now. Just the one about you killing me as well as losing to me in combat practice. No big deal." You shrugged as she glanced at you nervously before trying to run for her desk only for you to shoot her on the foot causing her to scream in pain and fall onto the ground.

"You've always been a f**king pain in the ass, haven't you?" She growled as you looked at her.

"Have I?" You asked as you shot her other leg.

"Oh sh*t you're right." You said as you put your free hand onto your heart to act as a sarcastic shock. 

You then proceeded to walking over to her suffering form and crouched down beside her, gun still raised. Five had proceeded in taking a seat on one of the sofas.

"Now. Say it before I broadcast this all over The Commission." You ordered as you waved the USB around the air in front of her. The Handler just growled in return which had caused you to punch her in the face with your gun.

"Now. What would the future of The Commission think, if she were to be discovered that she wasn't the strongest out of the entire organisation? What would you think that would do to the future of a The Commission? I mean, you're the one who told me that failure wasn't an option."

"Fine. Fine! I'll do it. Just. Promise me you won't broadcast." You smirked and nodded before getting off of her, walking towards Five and taking a seat on his lap. Which had felt strange as he was a 13 year old boy now and you were stuck in your 20 year old form.

"I release Five. Agent 005. From his duty in The Commission."

"Thank you." You smiled as you plugged the USB into the broadcasting system.

"I thought you won't do it! You promised!"

"You promised you would never betray me and look where that lead to." You stated angrily as The Handler gulped in fear.

You and Five then proceeded to walking out of the office, teleporting briefcase in hand.

"That was hot." Five mumbled as you smiled.

"I try."

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