Forever and Always (Number 7/Vanya Hargreeves)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait but here are the remaining requests! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes while I was away on holiday, but now I'm back and ready to write again... I hope. Anyways, thank you once again and I love you all!!!

Requested by: _Kinda_Done_, I am so very sorry for the long wait and I hope you like it!

You and Vanya were the best of friends since she was young. You two played together quite a lot as none of her siblings wanted to put the effort to be with her as she didn't have powers and your house was right next to the academy. To you, she was perfect, having developed a crush on her that still exists to this very day. 

"(Y/N)!" Little Vanya shouted as she ran around your house looking for you, only for you to come up behind her and hug her. 

"Hi!" You smiled cheerfully as she returned the hug by wrapping her arms around your neck. 

"You'll always be my friend right?" 


"You promise?" 

"On my life." You stated as she smiled and nodded, dragging you to play with her. 

You also knew that she has powers as she showed strange potentials of being able to lift objects around your house without holding it but she didn't seem to notice she was doing it. 

It was going so very well for the two of you until of course, fast forward years later, during your teen years, you were accused of being part of a gang you had never heard of. The police quickly taking you in custody and putting you in jail just to have your parents bail you out as they had enough money to do so. 

Once you were out, you went to see Vanya only to be blocked by the other siblings saying you couldn't go inside the academy to meet her anymore which you thought was b***s**t. 

Fast forward years later , you sat on your couch, ready to watch TV when you suddenly heard your doorbell ring. Growling annoyingly you got up from your seat and walked towards your front door opening it to see faces you didn't feel like dealing with at the moment. 

"I'm not in the mood to talk." You mumbled, trying to close the door behind you, only for Luther to stop it. 

"We need your help." 

"Yeah well why don't you go ask your other friends. You've made it very clear that you no longer want me in that household." You stated as the siblings casted their gaze away from you. 

They had told you they finally found out/had enough proof to prove that you weren't part of the group they recently arrested but right now, you didn't want anything to do with them. 

"(Y/N). We're sorry we didn't know." 

" You guys don't trust me. Why should I trust you?" You asked glaring at them as Allison shook her head. 

"This is getting too far. It's about Vanya." She stated which quickly got your attention. 

"What about her?" 

"She's trying to end the world." 

"Vanya wouldn't do that." 

"Well she's about to." 

"What did you guys do?" You glared at them, clearly upset, "She gets triggered very easily when it comes to her own emotions."

"Wait you knew?" 

"About her powers?" You asked as they nodded, "Of course I did." 

"Now back to the question. What did you guys do?" You asked angrily as everyone made side eyes towards Luther until finally Klaus confessed: 

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