I'd Kill For You(Number 2/Diego Hargreeves)

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A/N: Second part of the connecting series. Thank you for all the votes and reads!

Requested by: KaitlynnSmith203, I hope you like it!

(Y/N) Valeska was unique, in a way. You were someone who you do not want to mess with when angry. You're a bit on the crazy side but is very nice when it comes to the people you care about. You'd do anything for the people you care about, even kill. You live alone as your parents had gone 'missing' from the scene.

In all reality, you killed them. You hadn't meant to, it was just something inside you had the urge to, stab them. Over and over and over again, you couldn't help it, the feeling. The blood. It was all so very nice. 

When confronted to the police about it, you stayed quiet. Until, a new variable came into the equation. His name was Diego Hargreeves. The new recruit for the Police Academy and he had been sent here, to interrogate you.

"So. Your name is-"

"Valeska. Only my friends get to call me my real name." You stated as you crossed your handcuffed arms together, quietly trying to get out.

"Right. Well my name is Diego and i want to ask you a few questions. Starting with what happened?"

"I came back home and I walked in and to the living room. I found my parents. Blood around them. Dead." You fake cried as Diego looked at you unimpressed, handing out different photos.

"There wasn't any sign of force entry all around the house."

"There should be. I found them lying. Dead. On the ground."

"Well I think you're lying." He stated as you glanced, now very fascinated by him. No one had been able to see past your fake façade but he had already figured it out.


Your crying face slowly morphed into a smiling face, eyes glinted with authority and craziness.

"Welcome. You must be the real (Y/N)."

"Don't. Say my name. As I said. It's only for the people I deem worthy." You growled, a complete 180 degree change from your previous personality.

"So why did you do it?" He asked as you shrugged and began to laugh out of the blue.

"They just had this type of face you know? The face you just can't wait to stab."

"That's it? You killed your parents because they looked like dummies?"

"Not just that, but that added on to the drive. You know how parents are. They just kept pushing. Sooner or later, I snapped. They never loved me. They wanted the perfect version of me and that's something I can never do." You explained simply.

"So you killed them." Diego muttered as you nodded before authorities had come inside the room, now having evidence that you indeed killed your parents.

"Pleasure meeting you Diego." You smiled as you were carried away by the police and put into prison.

Prison was hell. Needless to say, you've made multiple enemies, ranging from gunners to fighters, you made friends with who you thought was worthy.

Until Of course, you picked a fight with the wrong guy:

"That's my seat."

"I'm sorry. This seat? Right here?" You asked as you sat down, this had caused the man to grit his teeth.

"Move out of the way, I don't want to see your face." He ordered as you picked up a knife from your tray.

"No worries. You won't have to see." With that you had plunged the knife into one of his eyes, causing him to cry out in pain and bleed out, alive but in pain.

"You b**ch." He growled before ordering his minions to go after you which had resulted in you getting cuts and scars all over your face.

"Is that all you've got?" You asked as you stood back up before you were once again tackled by a group of criminals onto the ground.

Once you had finally been released out of prison, you gave them one final message goodbye, leaving with a bang, quite literally.

"Goodbye everyone! I hope you don't miss me too much!" You waved as the other criminals trashed talked about you as they usually did.

Once you had been escorted out of the prison and a far enough radius, you hit the button, causing the prison behind you to explode.

"Now that's a fire show!" You giggled as you got into a black car.

"You blew up the prison?" A familiar voice you hadn't heard in a while asked as you looked at Parker, who had come to pick you up as Unwin was busy in the shop.

"Yup." You smiled as Parker just chuckled and drove away from the prison.

Parker was one of your best friends. The one who had stuck by you even when you told her that you were a psychopath. Getting straight A's through every subject, she had gotten into one of the elite schools where she continues to build her dream of becoming a scientist. She lives with her aunt as her parents both died in a plane crash. You had met her through elementary school where the two of you along with Unwin were paired up for a project together. You had been inseperable ever since. 

Unwin, as mentioned before, was different when compared to you, you dare say she was the polar opposite of you. She's on the side of justice, along with Parker and she fights for what she thinks is right. Her father had died during one of his recon missions a long time ago and she was left to take care of her mom and baby sister.

She owns a tailor shop with her Uncle Harry and the two of them make a living out of that.

-Skip a few weeks-

"You. What are you going here?" You asked as you glanced at the person you thought you would never have thought to see again.

"Hello. I hope you still remember me."

It was the man you had challenged long ago, his eye now wrapped in an eye patch and his face scarred into held due to the blast that had struck.

"Turns out. I'm not dead." He cheered as you rolled your eyes.

"I wish you were." You mumbled as he just laughed before tutting.

"Now now. That's no way to treat your old friend."

"You stabbed me."

"And So did you."

"Before you kill me. I have a surprise for you."

"What the-" You were cut off by the man who had revealed Diego, ties up and unconscious.

"Who's he?"

"I heard from a very friend of mine that he was important to you."

"We only met once." You stated which was true but that didn't mean that you didn't have feelings for him. You did, I mean how could you not? He was hot. He was smart and his personality is off the charts.

"Let him go. I'll do what you want."

"You think I believe you? After what you did to my face?!" He asked angrily as a group of men suddenly appeared and surrounded you.

"Now. You won't have any choice but to listen. Or else your friend here. Will die. Do we have a deal?" He asked and before you could answer a needle had been pierced inside you and you fell unconscious.

You had woken up restraint to a chair and some sort of device stitched to your neck which was starting to hurt quite a bit.

"Now your mission. Collect a total of 100 and blow them up. Doesn't seem to hard right? You blew the whole prison up quite easily. Now it's your turn to do the same but to 100 innocent people." He smiled as you snarled, fighting against the restraints.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Fine. Just don't hurt Diego-"

"He has a name! Look boys it's Diego from that old TV show. What was it called the cousin of Dora? The rip off one? Yeah that one." He stated before punching a still unconscious Diego who just muttered and slept on. 

(A/N: I mean no offence to Diego. I loved the TV show but for the sake of this imagines, the scarred man that looks like two face from the DC comics dislikes Diego)

The next week you had been busy collected all the things you need for the mission, giving food to Diego when he had regained conscious which he was very grateful for.

Diego has survived for that long because of you and you felt the need to protect him even more. Sooner or later, you and him had fallen in love, with you kissing him whenever you could without becoming too suspicious.

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