Human Interaction Pt. 4(Number Five)

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A/N: Hello and welcome back to another imagines! Hope everyone is having a great day/night and thank you ALL for the reads, votes and comments because we have officially reached 6K votes!!!! 

Requested by: IzaBera120, I'm so sorry it took so long and I hope you like it!

After that whole ordeal with the assassins the two of you managed to get to Vanya's apartment without any hassle, except climbing all the way to her second floor window as her door was locked.

Five made himself comfortable while the two of you waited for Vanya. You on the other hand was panting because you had decided not to use your powers and climb along with Five. Once the door started to jiggle a bit and footsteps were heard, the two of you knew Vanya was home. 

"Jesus." Vanya shouted shocked as she opened the door to see Five on the chair and turning on the lamp light. 

"You should have locks on your windows."

"I live on the second floor."

"Nippers can climb."

"You're so weird." Vanya mumbled as you chuckled causing her attention to go to you. 

"(Y/N)? You're here too?" 

"Yup! You miss me?" 

"Very much." Vanya smiled sadly as you smiled as well, giving her a hug as she wrapped her hands around you. 

"Alright. That's enough." Five mumbled a little jealous as you glared at him when you parted your hug with Vanya. 

"What are you looking at me for?" Five asked you crossed your arms.

"It was pretty hard to climb without any help." You growled crossing your arms as Five rolled his eyes.

"You could've used your shadows to help you up."

"Or you could've saved us the trouble and maybe just, oh I don't know, teleported is inside?!" You asked as Vanya noticed the red marks on Five when she sat down on the couch, you following after her as you sat next to her. 

"Is that blood?"

"It's nothing."

"Why are you here?"

"I've decided that you're the only person, besides (Y/N), that I can trust."

"Why me?"

"Because you're ordinary-" Five was cut off by you hitting him hard in the stomach causing him to cough up in pain.

"Because you'll listen." You corrected as Vanya started to fidget which caused her to move and grab the first aid kit she had in one of her drawers.

She then proceeded to unwrapping Five's horrible bandages and starting to disinfect the wound.

"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future. Do you know what I found?"


"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far I could tell I was the last person left alive-" He was once again hit by you who felt very offended you weren't counted as a human being.

"You mean the second last. I'm, the last person alive."

"You were a conscious (Y/N)."

"And therefore I don't count as a human?!"

"Does this happen often?" Vanya asked as the two of you glanced at her.


"Did you find out what killed them, I mean us?"

"No. We never figured out what killed the human race. I did find something else though. The date it happens."

"The world ends in eight days, and we have no idea how to stop it."

"I'll put on a pot of coffee." Vanya mumbled before proceeding to heat up a teapot. While the teapot was heating, she decided to make (favourite drink), which was quite easy to make as Vanya used to make many for you when the two of you were kids.

Once the coffee was done, Vanya brought the two drinks and gave it to the two of you.

"You remembered! Thank you!" You cheered as you took the cup from her and drank, missing the taste of (favourite drink) so much.

"How did you survive?" Vanya asked interested.

"I survived on scraps. Canned food. Cockroaches. Anything I could find. You know that rumour that Twinkies have an endless shelf life?" Five asked as Vanya nodded, urging him to continue. 

"Well it's total bulls**t."

"I can't imagine-"

"You do whatever it takes to survive, or we die." Five explained as Vanya looked at you and him, concerned. 

"So we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it."

"You got anything stronger?" Five asked as he handed the coffee to you, you smelled it before taking a sip only to recoil in discuss and place the cup onto a nearby table before proceeding to drowning the taste with (favourite drink).

While that whole ordeal happened, Vanya had went to the kitchen to fulfill Five's request so while I sipped on my delicious drink, Five had taken the obligation to move the chair located next to the window beside him, patting it as you rolled your eyes and sat on it.

He then stood up to get the drink from Vanya and as he stayed standing, you being a very lazy human being decided to stay seated, where the couches were comfortable.

"You think I'm crazy." Five mumbled as you glanced at the two.

"No! It's just- it's just, it's a lot to take in." This was your queue to get up and walk to stand behind Five, who, mind you is still half your size.

"Exactly What don't you understand?!" He asked angrily, you placed a soothing hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

"Why didn't you just time travel back?" Vanya asked confused as Five pursed his lips.

"Gee, wish I'd thought about that. Time travel is a crapshoot. We went into the ice and never acorn-Ed. You think we didn't tried everything to get back to our family?"

"If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?"

"I told you already." Five started before walking towards the kitchen table, pouring himself more rum.

"I must've gotten the equations wrong."

"I mean dad always used to say that, time travel could mess up your mind. You know, maybe, that's what's happening?" She asked as Five slammed the glass onto the table before turning to look at you.

"This was a mistake. You're too young. Too naive to understand-"

"No! Five! Five! Wait! I haven't seen you in a long time and I don't want to lose you or (Y/N) again." Vanya pleaded as Five looked back towards her before looking at you.

"That's all. You know what. It's getting late. I have lessons early and I need to sleep and I'm sure you do too. We'll talk in the morning again okay? I promise."

"You guys fine with sharing right?" Vanya asked as you nodded, hugging her as Thanks before she walked away retreating to her room:


"Night." Five mumbled before he proceeded to sit on the couch and open up a cloth that covered the eye he had brought with him.

Knowing what was going to happen due to the look on his face, you groaned.

"Five." You warned as Five glanced at you seemingly innocent.

"I know that look on your face."


"Five, no, can't it wait until morning?" You muttered as Five smirked at you.

"Don't do what I think you're about to do." You pleaded as Five kissed your cheek. 

"Let's go (Y/N)." He ordered as you sighed before grumbling about needing sleep but still reluctantly following behind him as you didn't want him to get hurt.

"You're lucky I love you." You mumbled as Five chuckled and pulled you down for a kiss on the cheek.

"I know. Now let's go." He commanded as the two of you set out to find yourself the owner of the so called important eye.

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