Potion(Number 4/Klaus Hargreeves)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Once again thank you all for the support and love all the readers have shown me! Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments and I hope you all enjoy this and have a nice day! This was more of  a spur in the moment and I just wrote what was in my head. 

Requested by: thisisgabrola, I hope you like it!

Your first meeting with Klaus was...special, in a way, it always held as a precious moment in your heart. You had been introduced to him through Vanya, as you were her best friend. Although when she invited you to come with her to her father's funeral, you hadn't expected to meet a lot of people, not to mention you didn't expect to fall in love at such a short time. 

"And who might you be?" A very husky voice asked as you glanced at the man who was wearing a long skirt. 

"Klaus. This is-" 

"What's it to you?" You asked interrupting Vanya as Klaus smirked before making his way over, sitting next to you on the couch. 

"Hands off." You growled as Klaus managed to grab a hold of your shoulder with his arm, keeping you in place. 

"Vanya, care to help your best friend out here?" You asked as Vanya smiled before shaking her head, still a bit angry that you had interrupted her just before. 

"I think this is good for you (Y/N). I'll leave you two to do whatever you're doing." 

The remaining time was spent with Klaus either next to you or his arm around you and sooner or later, you fell for him. For his charming personality and his amazing ability to talk to the dead. He was perfect. He was caring. He was just utterly amazing. He made sure you were comfortable and would always be there for you when you needed him to be. 

And faster than you could say 'Robert Sheehan', You became Klaus' partner, his lover, his everything. But right now, Vanya stood in the way of a very hopeful and bright future for the two of you. Which led you to help the remaining members of the infamous Umbrella Academy find a way to stop Vanya.

Five had managed to come up with a potion of some sort with the help of Klaus who turned out to know a lot of the drugs that Five had used.

"How will this save the entire world again?" You asked crossing your arms as you leaned against the wall.

"If Vanya can just drink the vial, her powers will subside-"

"Hopefully." Klaus interrupted while giving Five the finished vial.

"Yes, her powers will hopefully subside and it would bring an end to her rage." Five finished as you nodded in understanding.

"Make two potions." You ordered as everyone looked at you strangely.

"What? Why?"

"To see if it works, I can drink it." You stated as Five stared at you in shock.

"(Y/N) does have a point." Luther pointed out as Allison agreed with him.

"As much as that's a great idea, I don't think that Klaus would enjoy it so much."

"He'll manage." You continued before trying to get the vial, only for Klaus to block your way to it.

"I'll do it." Klaus quickly interjected as you tried to get past him.

"No Klaus. I've already made up my mind." You glared as you finally got through him, quickly grabbing the vial from Five's hands.

"If this doesn't work, you will die (Y/N), you aren't used to swallowing that amount of medication in one go. Everyone else, on the other hand, is." Klaus reminded as he stared at you in fear.

"You don't know that for sure. Any of you could die to this."

"Then let it be anybody else. Please, anybody besides you." Klaus prayed as you stared into his eyes.

"Vanya would be devastated if she knew her siblings died because if this." You reminded as Klaus scoffed.

"Who cares about Vanya?!"

"You do Klaus."

"No, I don't." You could clearly hear the doubt in his voice.

"Klaus. You were prepared for anyone to do this for the sake of the world." You stated as Klaus stared at you, thinking of what to say:

"Yeah but they're-"

"Not ordinary?" You cut him off as he put his hands on your shoulders.

"They're not you."

Your heart raced as he said this, a smile spreads across your face, replacing the fear you once had. To know that Klaus cared for you so much made it all more rewarding. Even if something does go wrong, you can die knowing you were special, to one very amazing man.

"Klaus. I've already made up my mind."

"I know you have."

"And besides, if it does work, we have a way to finally stop Vanya." You smiled but before you could take a sip, Klaus once again pulled it away from you.


"I'll do it."

"We talked about this-"

"Yeah but what if I survived?"

"Without The Umbrella Academy, there'll be havoc everywhere. Without you, there will be no Umbrella Academy. I can't risk that."

"But without you." Klaus started before pausing, holding your hand tightly:

"There'll be no me."

"Then don't let me die." You retorted before drinking the vial, your mind suddenly feeling hazy as you dropped to the ground.


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