Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me(Number Five)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you once again for reading and voting! Here is the next update an imagine inspired by the song, Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me from The Waitress Musical!

Specifically requested by: otaku_need_love, I hope you like it!

You hadn't expected to fall in love with a guy you had met in the cafe you worked at, but you had found him to be very very persistent on his love for you. 

Let's start from the beginning, it was a beautiful sunny day and you had just opened the cafe, you had worked as a waitress them which meant you met a lot of people everyday, but none that you seem to remember, except for him. 

Five Hargreeves.

The guy who had come every single day and made it his daily job to stare at you, no matter what situation you were in. 

You could accidentally slip and he would see it, quickly appearing beside you and asking if you were okay. He also seemed to help you with the orders that you had to bring to the table stating that too many things on your hand could possibly injure it and he had taken half of the food that was on your tray and carried it to all the necessary tables. 

You had wondered if he had super hearing  as he always seemed to know which food belonged to who. Keep in mind that you had just met him today, you hadn't known of any Five Hargreeves until today, where he had reserved multiple tables around the cafe as if to get different angles of his daily activity, watching you. 

Which in all honesty you found a bit creepy but nonetheless endured with as it was your job. 

The next day, he had come again raising his hand as you walked over to him once more, now the fifth time he had ordered. 

"What are you doing?" You asked unimpressed as he looked at you. 


"Right cause it seems like you have been here the entire day Five." You replied as Five scoffed at your accusation before starting to glance nervously around the room.

"Five?" You asked as Five gulped before nodding to himself, looking at you with determination.

"I love you (Y/N) (L/N)."

"I'm sorry what?"

"I love you." He answered more confidently as you looked at him funny.

"You do know that you've only met me yesterday right?"

"I already feel an obvious connection! Don't you babe?" He asked as you just rolled your eyes and got back to work, not wanting to make your boss angry.

This kept on going for about a month with him appearing ever so often at the cafe you work at as he didn't know where you lived. He had told you his entire back story, how he was adopted to how he had powers and saved the world every now and again.

"I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me babe." He smiled as you rolled your eyes before walking over to place the food on another table, the entire time feeling as if someone was watching you.

You glanced back to see that he had those love struck eyes that usually you see lovers have in those romantic movies and you honestly didn't know how to react. No one has ever acted that way towards you before. 

Once you had enough, you decided to walk up to him and interrogate him, your posture firm as if you were about to scold a child. 

"When are you leaving? There are customers waiting to be seated." You sighed motioning to the ever long line filled with impatient people as Five just shrugged before starting:

"I grew up an only child-"

"You had six other siblings with you."

"Wasn't close with any of them. Anyway, I spent my days alone, my only friend was a mannequin named Dolores. I thought it was hilarious to call a mannequin a kind of human. She played hard to get trash talking while she slapped me-"

"Wait a second. A mannequin slapped you?"

"Yes but I know what she was trying to say was "Five please come have fun with me." I learned quick. That perseverance between a mannequin and her new best friend, me!" Five stated as you just nodded along to his shenanigan.

"I'm gonna do this right." He continued as he held your hand.

"I really need to get back to work-"

"I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me." He reminded as you chuckled, now pretty used to his obvious statements.

"When you say never-"

"You can try! Oh but I~"

"I love you means blah blah blah yep yap yap yap now get back to work!" Your boss ordered, now completely fed up with the whole ordeal.

You had quickly brought Five outside and crossed your arms, glancing at him.

"You really need to stop coming here." You stated as his eyes saddened and he pouted his lips in confusion. 

"But I love you." He declared as you smiled, already falling deep for his determination and personality.

"I know. You remind me every day." You laughed as he half smiled at you, the both of you looking at each other awkwardly before you took a deep breath. 

 "And I might just like you as well." You mumbled as Five began to smile widely, he had looked like a kid that had gotten the best birthday present and honestly, it was adorable. 


"Yes really." You nodded and to prove your point, you kissed him on the cheek before walking back to the cafe.

On your way you had bumped into the door you had forgotten to open, blushing as you bumped before proceeding to opening it and walking into the cafe, waving him goodbye.

The entire time, Five had thought about how cute you were when you got clumsy and how you were in need of his protection every now and again which made him feel important. You had unlocked a special part in his heart he had never felt before and it made him feel different. 

You made him feel the love he had once lost and for that he was eternally grateful. 

A/N: Question of the day/night! If you were stuck in an abandoned island and you had the ability to summon one person from any type of fandom, who would you summon?

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