Partners In Crime(Number 2/Diego Hargreeves)

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A/N: As this is an Umbrella Academy Imagines I have decided to do Diego for today! 56K reads!

Requested by: TheSkinnyAvenger24, I hope you like it!

You are a criminal. You would like to think of yourself as one of the best that has ever existed. You were able to steal anything you want without anyone noticing and if they do notice, you would usually use your ability and seduce them before stealing their life force causing them to die.

You've had an, eventful childhood. Your parents dying from an 'accidental' car crash which had turned out to be purposeful as your parents were wanted by some very bad people.

Filed with anger and demise you had turned to the life of crime to find any links that could provide you to the killers and once you finally found them, all you had to do was get enough money to make sure you had a backup life ready for when the job is done.

Failure was not an option.

During the journey, you met (Random Name), the girl who had found out about your abilities and decided to help you out with your heists. With her receiving half of whatever item was sold and that was her earnings for her daily life.

She was the tech geek, able to hack into anything anywhere. All she needs is a laptop and buffer. (Random Name) usually communicates with you through the comm she has created when the two of you first meet each other.

Tonight was one of your heist nights. Targeting a museum to steal from you swooped down from the building in front of the museum and landed on the roof.

You stealthily made your way to the glass dome and used one of the gadgets that (Random Name) has created. You dragged the laser and created a circle big enough for you to fit in.

Once you finished, you used your sticky gloves and quickly unlinked the circle from the glass and went in, dodging most of the security cameras by staying in the darkness.

You then proceeded to climbing onto one of the pillars with your gloves and stay up and surveillance the situation.

"I'm in." You muttered to the comm as (Random Name) could be heard cracking her fingers before typing ensued. You were looking around when you caught sight of a man:

"Oh no."

"What is it? What happened? Were you compromised?" (Random Name) asked through the comm as you placed a hand on your heart.

"I think I just felt an emotion." You muttered as you stared at the man who was walking through the museum, knife in hand.

"You have GOT to be kidding me." (Random Name) muttered before she disabled the cameras which meant that the plan was in motion.

You jumped from one pillar to another easily as you threaded through the museum carefully, keeping an eye on the man you saw before.

You jumped down from the pillar, making no sound thanks to your 'sneakers' and tapped the man on the shoulder. As he turned, you could see his face and you just blinked in shock as he was actually a good looking person.

"What's your name?" You asked as you walked up to him, smirking seductively, activating your ability. Your eyes had started glowing pink and you waited for the effects to take place.

"What's it to you?" He asked back as he stood still, weapon ready. You deactivated your skill and stared in shock. No one has ever been able to get out of your spell.

"You're not affected." You muttered as he looked confused.

"Why would I be?" He asked as you grit your teeth before dropping a smoke bomb, disappearing from his view and continuing your heist.

If he gets in the way, you could just kill him. But what a waste. He was handsome too.

You pouted to yourself as you found what you had come here for. The necklace found in the museum. If sold, the money could stock you for almost 5 years.

"Hello there precious." You smirked as you quickly disabled the locks and took the necklace, wearing it on your neck when you turned and found yourself surrounded by the night guards.

"Hey boys. How are you today?" You asked as they held their ground.

"Put the necklace back Miss. Or I will call the police." He threatened as you rolled your eyes and threw a knife to his head causing him to die.

"Let's dance." You smirked as they came at you with their weapons. You killed them, one by one before proceeding to absorbing their remaining life force.

You were twirling the necklace with one hand when suddenly a knife that didn't belong to you dashed through you, grabbing the necklace on the way and landing on the wall, necklace at it's blade.

Turning, you saw the same guy you saw before, only this time, he seemed serious.

"You here to finish me off sweetheart?" You asked as he threw a knife that you easily dodged by flipping back.

"Why don't you just give up?" He asked as you laughed before throwing a knife of your own, he dodged last minute but received a cut on his left arm.

"Son of a-"

"Language." You stated before punching him square in the face causing him to fall down unconscious.

"Well That was easier than expected." You muttered before slinging him over your shoulder and proceeding to going back the way you came from.

Once you had gotten out, you went into a taxi and asked to be driven to (Random Name)'s warehouse that her parents bought.

When they had arrived you paid the driver and walked out with a still unconscious man on your shoulders.

You slammed him gently onto a chair and searched his pockets to find fake police ID as well as his own ID. Apparently his name was Diego Hargreeves.

When the man woke up, he was shocked to see you looking at his ID and fought his restraints which had caused you to move your attention back to him.

"Well hello there Diego." You smiled as he growled.

"You don't strike me as a professional criminal." He stated as you smirked and threw the knife, missing his face by a millimeter.

"That's what makes me so good at it." You retorted as you moved closer to him.

"You-You are-"

"Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented-"


"Well. That's one way of putting it." You shrugged before deciding to cut his restraints.

"That's it? You're just going to let me go?" He asked as you shook your head.

"Course not. You are here to help me with something."

"And That is?"

"I need you to help me take out a few people."

"And why would I do that?" He asked as you smirked before showing him pictures of 10 individuals. All with a criminal history.

"They killed my family. I want revenge."

"Have you ever read Moby Dick?" He asked as you nodded.

"Of course I have. What's your point?"

"Abe dies."

"Yeah, But so does the whale."

"That's what I'm saying, revenge doesn't come cheap." He explained as you scoffed.

"Spare me your moralities. I know what it costs and I'm willing to risk it. Have you forgotten, I'm Seductress." You smiled before you walked over to a nearby table and prepared for your next and final mission.

"Fine." Diego muttered as you looked at him.

"I'll help. But once I'm done. You give me what belongs to me." He ordered as you nodded and the two of you got ready.

"Be still and quiet. Once we get this job done. You're free to go." You stated as he rolled his eyes.

"2 men are coming." He muttered as he threw his knife, magically bending its direction before two groans of pain could be heard.

You walked out of your hiding spot to see the two men dead.

"Not bad." You mumbled as he smirked before continuing the mission.

Finally, the two of you had managed to get to the door where the man who killed your parents would be.

"Stay outside. I need to do this alone." You ordered as Diego reluctantly nodded, taking guard as you walked in.

The room was like a normal office room, a desk found in the middle. A man in his late 40's say, looking tired. As you closed the door, the man looked up to see you, widening his eyes before reaching his hand to press a button only for you to shoot the button, completely disabling it.

"Don't. Move." You ordered as he raised his hands up in the air.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember me?"

"I'm the daughter of the people you killed." You shouted angrily as his eyes widened.

"You're (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked as you nodded.

"Impossible. You're supposed to be dead!"

"Yeah well I'm not. But you're about to be." You stated as you cocked your gun and aimed it to his head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to do it. If I didn't do it, they'd kill me."

"Well then you should've died."

"Please. I have a family." The man cried as you just smiled sadly.

"Well so did I." But as you were about to shoot, a new voice had entered in on the conversation.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" A little girl had come out and into the room they were in now, holding onto a teddy bear.

"I'm fine sweetie. Please go back to bed."

"Who's she?"

"She's no one. Please go back to bed." The man pleaded as you looked uncertain.

"Are you going to hurt daddy?" She asked as she looked at you with widened eyes.

You looked at the gun in your hands before looking at the little girl before growling and putting the gun back. You then proceeded to walking towards the girl and crouching in front of her, hand on her shoulder.

"Your father and I were just having a talk. He's free to go now." You mumbled as she smiled before rushing towards the man who had killed your parents.

"Thank you." He mumbled repeatedly as you sadly smiled before walking outside the room and looked at a concerned Diego.

"You're free to go." You said before walking away only to be stopped by Diego who had scooped you up just like a groom would do to a bride.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking What is mine."

"I don't understand."

"From the very first moments I laid my eyes on you, I just felt a connection. Your beauty astounds me. Your intelligence is out of the world and your personality. Damn. When you get angry. You get so damn hot babe." He smirked as you just laughed, glad he disputed the tense atmosphere.

"Stay with me. I could always use a partner in crime." He smirked as you chuckled before nodding, the two of you walking out of the abandoned burning building.


The two of you had become partners in crime, stopping all types of criminals that wreck havoc the city.

This day was no different, with the two of you standing and the criminal tied up onto a chair, You interrogated him.

"Tell me who hired you?" You ordered as the man just smirked maliciously.

"Can you hit him with your knife?" You asked as Diego rolled his eyes but complied, stabbing the criminal with a knife causing him to cry out in pain.

"I believe the technical term is 'stab'." He educated as you scoffed before walking to the criminal who was tied up.

Once you were close enough, he had spat on your face which had caused you to recoil in disgust before grabbing a tissue and wiping it off.

You smiled at him before raising your fist up in the air, ready to strike when Diego stopped you.

"We need information remember? If we break his face we won't get any."

"Are you SURE I can't just punch him in the face?"


"What if I just break his nose a little?"

"No means no (Y/N)."

"Fine. You interrogate him then." You mumbled before taking your leave outside the interrogation room and sighed. You then proceeded to the gym located inside the warehouse and started punching a boxing bag.

"I got us some details for when the next attack will be. You coming?" Diego asked as you ignored him, punching on the boxing bag.

"(Y/N) come on. You never turn down a chance to fight."

"I'm not in the mood."

"I think you're in the perfect mood." He muttered as you heard him and threw a knife at him. Thankfully, he had dodged in time, the knife leaving only a scratch on his face.

"S**t babe."

"My bad love. My hand slipped." You smiled as he just laughed.

"God I love you. You know you're my favourite right?"

"I better be. Or you won't have any dinner." You stated as he raised his arms up in defence before you smiled and linked your arms with his. The two of you walking out of the warehouse to finish the job.

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