Mall Shenanigans(Number Five)

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A/N: Hello! Here's today's update! Thank you to everyone who had commented on the last question and after much consideration, I have decided to create a separate book filled with Aidan Gallagher Imagines! Check it out if you would too! Other than that, please enjoy!

Set in a Modern AU

Now, you were never one to shop, but when you do shop, you have to expect it to be a lot. You have stocks on everything, especially food.

It was (Random Name)'s birthday soon and you were planning to get her a gift. You were thinking of buying her a necklace of some sort, to signify her beauty as you knew that she loved jewelry.

There you were, walking around the mall looking for the right shop to go to when suddenly, you had caught eye of a very familiar face.

It was Five, your boyfriend.

You had been together with him for almost a year now and he had taken you on many, many dates. But you didn't mind, you liked it, especially when that date consists of a movie marathon, but enough about that, back to the story!

So there he was, trying to look like any other normal person in this mall and seemingly trying to avoid eye contact with you.

You had told Five that you were going to the mall and you asked if he wanted to come, he had told you that he was busy and that you should go another day instead but you declined saying that (Random Name)'s birthday was in two days and this was the only free day you had.

The actual plan that you had come up with was to actually trick Five into coming with you and for him to become jealous. What you hadn't expected was for him to say no which had caused you to feel quite down about it but nonetheless, searched for the gift. 

You rolled your eyes before walking over to him as he tried to look inconspicuous by looking at the bushes that he was near to.

"Five?" You asked as you stood over the boy, crossing your arms as he slowly looked up to you, faking a surprised look before awkwardly smiling:

"(Y/N)! So nice to see you here! How are you?"

"I left the house 10 minutes ago. How do you think I am?"


"Confused is more like it. Especially when you had specifically told me and I quote, 'Not today (Y/N), I'm busy. We can go another day.'"

"I did say that but-"

"I thought you were busy with meetings? Why aren't you there then?"

"I canceled all of the meetings."

"What? Why?"

"So that I can protect you!"

"Right, by hiding from me?"

"Hey! It's been effective. I've taken down 10 men who were eyeballing you from afar." He stated proudly as you looked at him unimpressed.

"Right and by taken down you mean killed right?"

"No. Just severely injured. Not dead. No. I could never do that." Five explained as you rolled your eyes at him.

"You need to get back to your meetings. You told me they were important."

"What part of 'I canceled my meeting-"

"Well then uncancel them."

"That's not even a word."

"Don't talk back to me like that Five. You know who would win." You smirked as he just sighed and nodded mumbling an apology.

"I'm sorry, What was that?" You asked pretending you didn't hear the apology.

"I'm sorry for cancelling my meetings to spend time with my girlfriend."

"Don't make this on me. I let you go to your meetings."

"Yeah but if you were at the mall where anything can happen, what do you think I'll do?"

"You put 10 men in hospitals."

"I put 9. The last one I just gave a hard punch to the face because he had admitted he was looking at the plant near you rather than at you." He corrected as you scoffed and shook your head in disbelief.

"Look Five. I don't really want to cause attention. Especially at the mall but if you come with me. I'll forget everything that has happened." You stated as he smiled and nodded and thus, the two of you began your adventure once again.

"(Y/N). What are you doing in the supermarket."

"Searching for a gift."

"Then why are you looking at (favourite snack)?"

"Because it helps me think."

"Right. So why are you taking (favourite snack) from the isle?"

"Because I want to buy it?"

"(Y/N). We still have 3 FILLED cupboards filled with (favourite snack)."

"You never know when they're going to run out!"

"I think they won't."

"Five!" You whined as he picked you up, bridal style before walking out of the supermarket, your hands now reaching for the ever fading (favourite snack) in anguish. 

"Focus (Y/N). Get the gift and let's get out of here."

"But what about the book store?" You whined once more as Five sighed , dragging you away from all your precious soon to be belongings. 

"(Y/N). We've been over this. I'll buy you all the books you want later. Just get the gift." He growled as you sighed before complying, going into one of the jewelry stores and started to search for the perfect gift when suddenly, something had caught your eye, two odd looking men were glancing nervously at the CCTV cameras that were placed. 

You saw them begin to store the jewels inside a small bag an immediately realised they were stealing them. You having your own power as well, walked over to them and politely asked them what they were doing which was only answered with a shove. 

"What are you doing?" You asked angrily once more as the two glared at you before muttering:

"None of your business." 

This had caused you to smirk. Your ability was a special one, being able to control people, making them do whatever you wanted them to do but only for a short period of time. The only problem was, that the person you wanted to control had to answer one of the questions that you had asked, once they answer, they are under your control. 

"Good. Now. Why don't you return those?" You asked as the thieves looked confused before your eyes glowed (F/C), their eyes doing the same and they started returning the jewels they were about to steal. 


Five had soon entered the room looking pretty bored but looked at you in question when you had your (F/C) eyes out. 

"What did they do?" He asked as you motioned to the jewels that were being placed back into their rightful place. 

Suddenly, you saw from behind Five, three other men, now armed with guns suddenly appear and aimed straight at Five. 

"S**t. Look out!" You shouted at Five which caused you to lose connection with the other two thieves which had snapped them out of their trance and look around in shock. Thankfully, Five had dodged right before the bullet hit him and quickly took care of the armed men.

You turned to see the men you were dealing with on the ground, unconscious, another side effect to your ability. Instead of making the user tired, the tiredness is transferred to the one she is controlling and therefore limits their chance of escape.  

The police soon arrived and took the criminals from the two of you and Five and you had spent the entire time explaining what had happened, the CCTV cameras being enough proof, as well as the dead bodies they have killed to get into the mall.

All in all, the day had been very eventful, with loads of strange yet amusing things happening and the two of you thoroughly enjoyed it as you had gotten to ride in a police car and was thanked by the Head of a Police Department for diffusing the situation calmly. 

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