Training(Number 2/Diego Hargreeves)

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A/N: 650 reads in a span of 4 days??? That's crazy!!! Thanks a lot everyone!!! Hope you enjoy this one!

You were known as a vigilante, who according to google, undertakes law enforcement in their community without legal authorisation. You were nicknamed the Black Mamba as your strikes were deadly and quiet, you had the ability to quickly disappear from the crime scene, leaving nothing but the dead body behind.

You were considered, the best of the best and that's not a surprise seeing as you were trained under the only other vigilante in the city, Diego Hargreeves.

He and you had met in the fight club he worked at as a cleaner and that was a moment you would never forget because out of everyone you had went up against, you had lost to him.

You always lost.

At first you didn't understand why, but as time grew and you started to fight him frequently, you had realized that your swings weren't hard enough and you had angled your punches and kicks incorrectly. The other guys you went up against were nothing compared to him, his punches and kicks always hit you and you weren't able to dodge as many times as you did the other matches.

Diego had made sure that relay every single mistake you had made and even thought you were a bit annoyed, you were thankfully he had because it made you better, faster and stronger than ever before.

It was a normal afternoon and it was finally time for another session with Diego. They both arrived at the ring and gotten ready to fight, both eager to win.

"Hey Diego. Why don't we make a bet?"

"Yeah? You feeling confident?"

"Yup. I just have a feeling you know. I think it's my day today." You stated smirking as Diego rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Well good luck with that babe. I'm not gonna go easy on you." He warmed as you blushed at the nickname he gave you before refocusing your attention back towards the match.

"Loser has to do anything the winner says the entire day tomorrow!" You declared as Diego nodded and landed his first hit onto your protected stomach.

"Nice hit." You mumbled before you managed to punch him in the face, hard.

"F*ck (Y/N), calm down."

"I told you I'm going to win." With that you had started to punch multiple times which caused Diego to gain a defensive state, his arms protecting his head as you tried to land a hit on him.

The fight had went on for about an hour, both were extremely tired and covered with bruises but neither would give up.

"Hey I'm locking up Diego." The owner of the fight club stated as Diego waved him a goodbye, becoming distracted which gave you enough time to run and slam him onto the side of the ring.

"Admit defeat!" You ordered as Diego easily flipped you off and threw you onto one of the corners of the ring, with you landing gracefully in a cat like position on top of the border around the ring.

"You've gotten good."

"Thank you."

"But I'm still better." Diego rushed towards you, aiming his fist as you quickly dodged by ducking and launched your right leg across the ring, side sweeping as you hit Diego's legs causing him to lose balance and fall with a thud.

"Says who?" You asked as you raised your eyebrow at him while crossing your arms.

As Diego opened his mouth to answer, he was stopped by the sound of breaking glass. They both turned to the direction of the sound to find five masked strangers, all with guns in hand.

Diego and you were quick to act, sliding out of the ring and putting on your similar leather suits and masks.

"Who's there?" One of the armed masked men asked as he pointed the gun towards the source of sound only for him to see a girl, wearing a leather suit and a mask.

"This isn't a joke little girl, leave now or we will shoot."

"Who are you calling little?" You asked as you threw a dart you had found lying around, hitting one of the guys straight in the head causing him to die.

"Whoops. My hand slipped. But that's one down."

"Whoever gets to three first wins!" Diego shouted childishly as he threw his knives at another two, hitting them straight in the chest.

"Hey!" You growled before quickly snapping the neck of the other guy, leaving only one person left and a terrified one at that.

"I get this one."

"No! I clearly got here first!"

"Well you don't make the rules, I do!" With that Diego had raised his knife to kill the armed robber only to stop halfway by the sound of someone crying.

"P-please. I was forced to do this. I have to earn money to save my family. Please, you have to understand."

Diego soon lowered his raised arm back down and looked at you with sad eyes before he knelt down next to the boy and began to look at him, dead straight in the eyes.

"How old are you?"

"S-seventeen." The robber had answered honestly as Diego proceeded to take the gun away from him.

"What's your name?"


"Alright Miguel, this is what's going to happen, you're going to get out of here and continue on with your life, as a good man. Here take this." Diego said before giving the man $100.

"Start small. You'll get what you deserve sooner or later." He explained as the man nodded and took the money, thanking him before running out of the fight club.

"What are we going to do with the other ones?"

"We have to clean this place up before anyone sees."

"We? Don't you mean you? You work here as the cleaner and besides, my victims didn't bleed to death therefore there are no stains on them. I think."

"Just shut up and help me."

"Fine but only if you admit I won."

"What?! No! We both killed two people!"

"Yeah which is why I want to settle this."

"Fine. How about a game of rock, paper and scissors? Best out of one. So you only get one chance."

"You're on."

"Rock, paper, sc-" You were cut off by Diego who had already launched his choice.

"I wasn't finished."

"Wait I thought we launch it when you say scissors?"

"No! It's when I say shoot!"

"Why would you say shoot? Why not just rock, paper scissor?" Diego asked confused as he tilted his head to the side.

"It goes rock, paper, scissor, shoot. On shoot is when you launch your 'attack'. You got that?" You asked him as he nodded, readying his hands once more.

In the end, after explaining every single rule to him, you had finally won.

You were cheering as the both of you cleaned up the mess you made, discarding the dead body somewhere else, leaving no evidence behind.

"Right I expect there to be an entire buffet by the time I get back to my house tonight." You reminded as Diego grumbled but nodded anyway.

You had ordered him to cook for you. People may think that since Diego has lived the life of a vigilante he didn't know how to cook, but on the contrary he was one of the best cooks you knew. Which is why you always asked for his dishes. Only problem was that he thought cooking was too girly and not fit for a man so he never does it often.

But now, with this power against him, he has to do everything you tell him to.

"Bye babe. I look forward to all the food I'm gonna eat! I leave the office at 6, make sure that it's ready by then." You smiled before you walked out of the fight club leaving a smirking Diego behind.

"You're lucky you're cute." He muttered under his breath before walking towards his room, getting his coat and a change of clothes before starting his journey to your house.  

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