The Kraken(Number 2/Diego Hargreeves)

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A/N: Here is the second update for today! 

Requested by: youngMbA, Hope you like it!!!

You and Diego were close, closer than his relationship with his other siblings as you were the most compassionate and understanding out of the other six. Now You and him were sitting on his bed in his room, questioning the existence of life and death, well not really, but nonetheless, you were talking to one another.

"Why are you called The Kraken?" You asked Diego as he shrugged before leaning more towards his bed. 

"Father had named me so." 

"But wouldn't it be better if you were called The Blade? Doesn't that sound cooler and more to your power?" You asked as Diego shrugged. 

"The bending knife?" 


"How about The Twisting Knife." 


"The Dagger?" 


"How about The Knife?" 

"Nah, the blade sounds cooler." 

"Then can I be the blade in your hands?" Diego asked as you blushed and giggled at his pick up line before going back to the topic:

"Well father doesn't seem to know either. Unless he is hiding something from us again."

"It wouldn't be the first time." This caused you to giggle once more. 

"Why are you called The Phoenix?" 

"Because I can conjure fire?" 

"But you can't turn into a bird." He reminded as you shrugged.

"I can be a fire bird,I think. I just need practice." Diego nodded at this before looking out at the window. 

"We go on another mission today right?"

"Yeah. To save a bank from being robbed apparently."

"Stay behind me, you got that?"

"I'm not a little kid anymore Diego. I got this." You stated confidentially as you created fire that came out of your hands.

They had arrived at the crime scene right on time. Allison had come up to one of the gun men and did her Rumour Ability which had caused the man to shoot his friend on the foot.

Luther then jumped into the bank through the ceiling window and knocked one of the other guys out.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives!" Diego shouted as he threw his knives towards Luther and Allison only for it to bend to the left and kill another one of the armed robbers.

"Look out!" You shouted as you burn the armed robber that had tried to stab Diego from the back.

"Thanks." Diego muttered as you nodded.

"Get back you freaks." The remaining armed robber in the room ordered as he pointed the gun towards them.

"Hey, be careful up there buddy."

"Yeah wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Or what?" Five asked as he appeared before disappearing as the armed robber shot where Five had once been multiple times before he appeared behind him.

The armed robber pointed the now stapler at him and looked confused.

"That's one badass stapler." Five smirked before knocking him out with it. Now all that was left are the many armed robbers in the vault.

"Do I really have to do this?" Ben asked as Luther nodded.

"Come on Ben, there are more guys in the vault."

"If Ben doesn't want to do it, we can't force him to." You butted in as Luther glared at you to be quiet.

"(Y/N), Ben can do this." Diego reminded as you growled:

"So can I."

"But you're a girl." Luther stated as you looked at him.

"So what?"

"You're weak."

"I am not." You growled as the flames covered your entire body.

"Alright then. You're ready to go. Go get 'em (Y/N)." Luther smirked as you glared at him before burning through the door to the vault and emitting fire that appeared on the floor as you walked.

You had gotten rid of most of the armed robbers but one had gotten through and when you heard a shout of pain you quickly rushed out to find Diego in the ground, holding his now bleeding shoulder.

"You." You growled menacingly as your fire that were resonating around your hands got larger and hotter.

"Get away! Help me please!" The remaining armed robber pleaded as he tried to run out of the bank only to be stopped by a wall of fire.

"You aren't going anywhere." You stated as you crushed your hands together which had caused your wall of fire to close up on the armed robber.

"Please! Let me go! I beg of you!" He shouted as his body started to deteriorate.

"(Y/N) that's enough!"

"Not yet. He deserves to suffer." You said as you began to increase the heat of your fire causing the armed robber to scream louder.

"(Y/N)! Stop!" Diego cried out as you looked at him.

"He hurt you."

"I know but he's had enough."

"Fine." And with that you had released your wall of fire and the armed robber had been knocked out and probably dead due to the heat burns.

When the seven of you had gotten out, you found a group of police and news reporters asking for what had happened as your birth father walked up and explained who you all were.

After saving the bank, you had to spend 3 hours in the box. A cold room that generated enough coldness to cool you down. As you waited for your body temperature to return, you had decided to read a book, a book about the Kraken and how it was used in every single fairytale.

Turns out, the Kraken symbolises someone who had the ability to breath underwater or water-bend. But you had pondered on the thought, Diego had never been able to breath underwater in any of the water missions you had went through and the closest you've seen him bend something was his knives' direction.

Once you had finally regained normal body temperature, your father unlocked the door and let you run along to Diego's room, where he sat, waiting for you.

When he saw you he quickly got up and pulled you to a hug.

"I'm sorry you had to spend the evening in the box alone (Y/N)." Diego muttered as you smiled and hugged him.

"It's not your fault. I lost control."

"If I hadn't gotten shot you wouldn't have lost control."

"Hey it's no big deal. We still got the job done." You smiled as he nodded

They both of you had spent the rest of the day just complimenting each other, with how well you did on the mission to how well he was able to hold his stutter.

"Hey I found out that the Kraken represents many things. But none that you can relate to." You stated as Diego looked at you.

"It doesn't matter what I'm called, as long as I have you, there's nothing I can't do." He smiled as you laughed at his cheesy line.

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