Nothing Left to Lose(Number Five)

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A/N: This is either going to flop or be kinda okay, depending on your love for songfics. I have mixed feelings about this but I've run out of ideas, so if any of you would want to request that would be amazing! Once again thank you so so much for all the reads, votes and comments, really makes my day!

Song: Nothing Left to Lose from Tangled The Series

Also! When playing the video just remember that Cassandra changes to (Y/N), unless your name is actually Cassandra, but if you aren't playing the vid, the lyrics should also be able to make it sound like a conversation. 

You were the daughter of the notorious Handler. Known for her intelligence and her beauty in the Comission, you had quite big shoes to fill. But that didn't matter to you as your mother had been super supportive and Five was there as well. 

Five had been there for you since the very beginning, or at least, most of it. You had found him covered in dirt and decided to take him in, your mother of course refused at first but after some convincing, she had allowed Five to stay with you and with time spent together, your heart began falling for him. I mean, who wouldn't? Anyway, back to the story!

It had been a normal day when you had returned from your mission, however when you ahd turned around, you were shocked to find the Commission in ruins, all of the agents that you had considered your allies were dead on the ground. Fearing the worst, you rushed into your dear mother's room only to find her dead, sprawled on the table. 

Running to her, you cradled her neck, your eyes brimming with tears as her dead eyes looked into yours. That was until you felt a presence behind you. Thinking it was an enemy, you had conjured a shard of wood and threw it across the room, only to find out that it was the robot that you had been working on with Five.


Was he also dead? 

The robot had blinked a few times before you had decided to dig into what had happened. Accessing the bot with your device, the truth that you had found shocked you and your heart had broken into a million pieces. It had appeared that Five, your boyfriend of 3 years, had done all of this. 






This can't be true. He wouldn't have done this, you knew him. 

Or did you? 

Apparently, 9 years of friendship and love meant nothing to him if he had kept this plan for so long from you. 

The hatred sunk deep within you as you began repeatedly stabbing the bot with your sharp wood. Your tears running down your face as you turned to stare at your dead mother's corpse. Wiping your tears off, you walked towards her body, glaring at the dagger that had been the cause of her death. 

You watched as the dagger glistened in the dark, recognizing it straight away as the dagger you had given Five for his birthday. The dagger shone at you, as if tormenting how much of an idiot you were. 

"He's dead." You muttered as you dragged the dagger out, the blood splurting out as the clean dagger was now covered in blood. "I will avenge you mother."

It hadn't taken you long to find him as he appeared before you at the entrance of teleportation pod, where all members come to when they just finish the mission. 

"Five." You greeted subtly as your hands began swirling with some kind of energy.

"(Y/N)!Thank God. I thought I lost you-" Five started but was interuppted by you throwing multiple wooden daggers at him. 

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