Relationship(Number Five)

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A/N: Double update today!!! Shorter than the rest but nonetheless, enjoy!

You and Five had just recently started your relationship and it had been hectic, especially for you.

You were the real daughter of Reginald Hargreeves and was born one week after he had adopted the seven children which meant that Five was older than you by a a week and as you grew up with him, he has never failed to remind you that he was older, even if it was just by a week.

Now, you love Five and all, but he was very very clingy and always seemed to show off everything that was good about him to you, which honestly lowered your self esteem a bit.

He always says how he can spatial jump within a long range and multiple times as well. Being the only normal in the family, you felt different. All the other children had powers and even though you knew it was due to a strange pregnancy, it couldn't help but make you feel that you wanted to be special as well.

Just like today, you had been laying around on the couch when suddenly Five had suddenly spatial jumped and appeared next to you.

"Let's go."

"Go where?"

"To this restaurant. I booked us a table."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because I'm taking you on a date."

"Again? Five we had our last date 3 hours ago. I'm tired."

"But I prepared everything. You'll love it!"

"That's what you said about the last date but I ended up puking all over the floor."

"Well you'll love this one. Come on." And with that, you had changed your clothes and walked alongside Five who had the largest smile on his face.

He quickly interlocked your hand with his and walked side by side with you.

The date had been, uneventful. Sure you enjoy spending time with Five. But these past few weeks have been very stressful. With Five dragging you to places you've already been to about a hundred times and him taking you wherever you wanted to go.

It was sweet and all, but it had to stop. Which then lead to this:

Turns out, the restaurant had accidentally double booked the table and as it was a very famous one, there were no other tables.

Five was about to fight the guy who had told them that they had booked the last table but you stopped him before he could and politely excused yourself for the sake of a peaceful intervention.

You and him then walked back to the academy, close to each other physically but far away from each other mentally. When you had gotten to the academy, you pulled Five into the living room and crossed your arms.

"If only he would've just stepped aside so we could have our date!"

"He booked it earlier than we did."

"Yeah but that doesn't give him the right to ruin my entire date with you."

"We've had plenty today. In fact, we've had 3 before this one."

"Yes but this one was supposed to be something you enjoyed. After the restaurant I had wanted to take you to the cinema but as we had argued for too long, the movie had already started and there was no way to get in." He grumbled as you smiled at his evident planning before you went back to the topic you had wanted to talk about.

"Five, what's gotten into you? You weren't like this when we were friends." You said as Five looked at you desperately.

"Because when we were friends I didn't have to worry about making a good impression."

"What are you talking about?"

"I just wanted you to make sure you don't regret getting into a relationship with me!" Five shouted as you looked at him in pain.

"Five. Being in a relationship isn't about kissing, dates or showing off. It's about being with the person who makes you happy and you make me happy." You stated as Five looked at you with tears eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered as you hugged him, your arms circling around his waist and him doing the same to yours.

"I love you Five and nothing in this world can change that."

"Not even getting tickets to (Favourite band)?"

"Not even that." You smiled as you fell onto one of the couches along with Five was was now snuggling your stomach as you raked your hands through his soft black hair.

"Hello children. Would you like something to eat?" Mother had come in as Five fell asleep, head on your lap as he snuggled closer to you.

"I think we're good mom. Thanks." You said as she smiled and kissed your forehead before walking out of the living room.

As you were about to fall asleep as well, you had been abruptly been woken up by Klaus who had shouted:

"We're young! We're supposed to drink too much. We're suppose to have bad attitudes and shag each other's brains out. We are designed to party! This is it. Yeah so a few of us will overdose or go mental. But Charles Darwin said you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs!"

"Did he actually say that?" Ben asked as he tried to get Klaus down from the kitchen table. As you were also curious, you had decided to google it on your phone without waking Five up.

"I just searched it up! He actually did!" You shouted as you heard Klaus's cheer of accomplishment and Ben's groan of disappointment.

Five had growled at all the noise the three of you were making and decided to spatial jump with you to his room where you found yourself laying on his bed, pillow on your head.


"Be quiet. I want to sleep with my girlfriend." He mumbled as he changed his position so that now he was pointing you, his arms around your waist as his head snuggled close to your neck.

The both of you had spent the entire afternoon as well as night just sleeping in, which you had been grateful for as you had been sleep deprived from all the dates he had planned.

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