Never Been In Love(Number 7/Vanya Hargreeves)

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A/N: Hello everyone! It is your author here! Thank you for reading this imagines and I'm very sorry for not updating the past few days! I've been very busy with homework as well as finals that are coming up and I need to study! So updates may not be as frequent as usual! I am once again very sorry and I hope you understand! But enough about me, here is today's update!

Inspired by: Never Been In Love by Will Jay! 

Requested by: Kute_Kittenwrites, I hope you like it and I'm sorry it took so long!

Don't you want somebody? To never let you go?

You didn't understand love. You've never felt it before. You knew you weren't the only one who has never experienced love. But the majority of people think it's weird.

Don't you want a family? With a white picket fence?

Not being able to feel love. You were satisfied with just being friends with people. You didn't really want to pursue anything deeper than friendship. You felt like it was a waste of time, I mean, what was the point of dating anyway? People would dump you anyway, there was no point.

Movies are overrated. Real life is nothing like the movies. You were glad you didn't feel love. It felt like a nuisance. People leave everyday and that never bothered you like it did with other people.

As you usually meet up with your two close Male friends, (Random Male Name) and (Another Random Male Name), you were brought dates very frequently.

All of which you had declined, stating how you weren't ready for a relationship even if you were of the age to get yourself a boyfriend/girlfriend.

"Thanks for your concern but here's the thing." You stated as (Random Male Name) motioned you to continue.

"Never been in love."

"Maybe one day?"

"Some day." You shrugged as (Random Male Name) glared at your stubbornness.

But no! I ain't in a rush

I say whatever, don't care that I've never, no never been in love.

"Don't you want a date? Someone you could have fun with?" (Random Male Name) asked as you looked at him funny.

"I have fun. Why do I need a significant other to have fun? And besides, I got work and I need to relax after."

"Don't you ever dream about your Prince Charming?" (Another Random Male Name) asked as you shook your head.

"Why would I dream about someone I've never met before?" You asked confused as your two friends sighed, finally giving up trying to convince you to get a date.

"Why don't you feel love?"

"I don't know?"

"Aren't you alone?"

"Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely. It means I want to be away from people so I can clear my mind and relax." You explained as the two nodded.

You had no need for a man, I mean, none of them caught your attention. Vanya was the only friend that was a girl that you had and you were grateful for her.

She was the only one who didn't ask you about your problem and she was literally perfect to you.

From her smile, to her personality and god! Those eyes. You could stare at them all day long.

But you weren't in love.

Soon, you began to feel different. Her every move makes you insecure and you would do anything, like you'd literally die for her if she wanted you too. She was just so caring and that made you feel something you had never experienced before and you couldn't be sure whether you love the feeling or hate what it's doing. 

Now, don't get me wrong. You tried to ignore it, but the thumping just kept on going and the aching in your chest became more constricted. You didn't know what was happening but it wasn't normal, or at least, it wasn't for you. 

Actually, You might be in love.

Vanya had invited you to watch her performance and as you had nothing better to do, you decided to go. Putting on your best outfit you walked out of your home and began your journey to the concert. Your mind hazy from different memories as you walked through the streets. 

"(Y/N). You got a little something here." She mumbled before proceeding to take out her napkin and begin wiping your cheek to get rid of the chocolate that was stuck there while you kept eating your donut. 

"Thanks!" You smiled as Vanya smiled back before taking a sip of her drink. 

"Why don't you hang out with us instead of her?" A man asked coming up to your table, his frame buff and you would be lying if you said that it didn't intimidate you. 

"I'm sorry but. We're on a date." 

This caused both you and the man to glance at her shocked before the man trudged away defeated. 

"Are you-" 

"Course not. It was to get rid of him. I'm sorry if that was awkward." 

"No. It's fine. I appreciate it." 

"No worries." Vanya smiled one more as you glanced away from her, slightly covering your face to cover the redness flowing towards your cheeks. 

You shook your head and cast those memories aside before proceeding to look up towards the night sky to see that you had arrived at the concert hall. 

Nervously, you walked towards the concert you knew Vanya would be in and took your seat. A bunch of different people were also there and before the concert started, Vanya had winked at you causing you to widen your eyes and blush.

Scratch that. You're definitely in love.

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