Cute(Number 1/Luther Hargreeves)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating often but I have two updates for today! Here is the first! Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments! It really means a lot!

Requested by: CowDisease, I'm so sorry this took so long and I hope you like it!

After the Umbrella Academy separated due to Five's disappearance as well as their evident lack of parenting figure, Luther was left in disarray, Allison had went away to marry her husband and he was at a loss.

He knew that the relationship wasn't right, or at least not partly right but he loved her. It would be impossible to find someone like her, or so he thought, until one day, he woke up at someone's house, Someone he didn't know.

But she was beautiful.

Her (H/C) hair flowed beautifully as she slept. 

But who was she?

Luther tried to remember, his mind very fuzzy from the events that happened last night, but seeing as he still had his clothes on, it wasn't anything bad, hopefully.

"Unbelievable." He cursed to himself for letting this happen as he felt you stir from your sleep. Your eyes fluttered open to find the man from yesterday, staring at you.

"Hello. Luther right?"

"How do you know my name?"

"You told me. Last night."

"S**t. Sorry. I didn't do anything did I?"

"Nope. I just had to drag you to my bed as you collapsed right in front of my door."

"Why was I heading here again?"

"You wanted to play UNO." You answered simply as Luther questioned the decisions his past self had done.

"I'm sorry." Luther mumbled as you looked at him confused.

"What for?"

"For interrupting your sleep and for suddenly staying over."

"No worries." You smiled before waving your hands in the air, a (F/C) glow surrounded your fingertips as the plant in your room began to extend and grow towards what looked like the kitchen.

The plant soon came back with pancakes as well as syrup to add onto it. You took the glass that stood on top of your desk and gave it to him.

"Here. Eat up."

"Thank you and sorry again." This caused your smile to grow even more as you blushed.

"No problem."

-before this scenario happened-

Your POV

You were on your way home from work when your tracks were suddenly stopped by a very large body. 

"Hi." A very large blonde man grunted out, still very drunk as you glanced up to find quite an attractive face. Now, you knew about the whole stranger danger thing but he was pretty cute and what with the amount of things that have been going on with your life, you might as well strangle someone if they were to advance on you, so you decided to answer:

"Hello." You smiled as large and tall man blushed.

"My name's Luther. What's yours?"

"(Y/N)." You answered as the man smiled innocently. 

"We should go to your house!" He suddenly interjected as you glanced at him nervously.

"That sounds creepy." You stated as Luther looked at you confused, he acted quite like a child but once the alcohol hit you, you realised he was drunk. 

"We could play UNO!" He stated childishly as you chuckled:

"We could."

"So let's go!"

The two of you walked towards your apartment, why you actually accepted his request was still a mystery to you, but hey, if he were to try something you could just strangle him with your plants, no big deal.

But before you could even open the door, Luther had collapsed, right on your front door, so when you had opened the door, he fell through, your plants successfully catching him before he fell. 

"You're lucky you're cute." You mumbled as you began to drag the body onto your bed while you tried to sleep on your couch, only for it to be uncomfortable and you moving back to your bed where Luther had sprawled himself onto as he slept.

You carefully slipped in, making sure that you didn't wake him and slept and the next morning was history.

Luther had finally found someone worth loving and that was you. 

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