April Fools Pt. 2(Number Five)

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A/N: Hey everyone! Here is today's update! Thank you all so much for reading and voting! It really means a lot! I hope you are having an amazing day/night!

Requested by: _0FanGirlie0_, I'm so sorry it took so long and I hope you like it!

"She is (Y/N), a girl that I think could help us." Five introduced as he moved aside for you to be seen by the rest of his siblings. 

"Hey..." You awkwardly trailed off as you waved.

"Okay, this is Luther, Diego, Allison and Klaus." Five quickly introduced before taking a newspaper he had found. You glanced in question as you counted the people who were present, he only said four names when there were Five people.

"This is it, the apocalypse is still on, the world ends today."

"I thought you said it was over." Luther stated

"I was wrong okay, this newspaper I found it in the future the day I got stuck, the headline hasn't Chang-"

"No. That doesn't mean anything, the time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning."

"You're not listening to me, when I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else but here we are, the moon still shining, the Earth is in one peace. But not the academy-" Five was once again interrupted by Klaus who took the newspaper away from him.

"I'm confused."

"Then listen to me you idiots. Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause of it but he was the fuse, Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse."

"We have to find her." Luther muttered before a flurry of lights surrounded them, the police had arrived.

"We gotta go, now. Regroup at the Superstar, now, go!" He ordered as the siblings plus you dispersed, Five dragging you along with him.

On the way, your head was knocked on to one of the poles and your head began to get blurry and you started to blink rapidly, as if you couldn't focus.

"(Y/N)?" Five asked concerned as he saw your blinking state.

"Where, where am I?" You asked as the scene began to change, everything had been destroyed and at the very centre of it, was a white light, a girl, around her 30's, smiling at you as you glanced at her.

"Who are you?" You mumbled as you turned your head to see an incoming car about to hit you, only for it to disappear mid way and take form of the same girl, now appearing closer to you.

"Vanya?" You tried as the figure turned towards you and smiled before the entire world grew a bright white light and you found yourself back in the real world, your head still pounding as Five had taken it upon himself to bridal style carry you all the way to Superstar, a bowling place that you used to go to.

"You okay?" He asked checking you for any injuries as you numbly nodded, still getting used to being back.

They had arrived in a bowling alley where they sat down, trying to figure out how to stop and find Vanya.

"Look I hate to be the one who says this but everyone has to be prepared."

"For what?"

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther explained as Allison hit him with her notepad.

"We may not have a choice Allison."

"Bulls**t. There's always options." Diego stayed as Five looked at him:

"Yeah like what?"

"Five. Don't be so rude." You muttered putting your right hand on his shoulder as he held onto it, calming down.

"I don't know."

"Look whatever we decide we need to find her, and fast. She could be anywhere." He stated as Klaus held up a newspaper.

"Or here? Look at this."

"That's right, her concert is tonight." Diego muttered as you glanced at the siblings in obvious confusion.

"Hello. I hate to intrude but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." One of the employees stated as the siblings looked at each other.

"Who's turn is it?"

Luther walked up, got one of the bowling ball and threw it to the alley, getting all the pins knocked.

Allison then proceeded to writing in her notepad.


"We're the only ones capable of stopping this, we have a responsibility to dad."

"To dad?! No I've had enough about-"

"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together."

"I'm with Luther on this one, we can't give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake, we're passed trying to save just one."

"Hey guys. Maybe I can help." Klaus muttered as everyone looked at him. 

"Now is not the time." Luther started but was soon interrupted. 

"No, let him finish." Diego stated as Luther glanced at him in confusion.

"He saved my life today."


"Yeah, I did take, credit for it but in fact, the real hero is Ben." Klaus explained as everyone stared in disappointment and confusion.

So the hooded man's name was Ben, you glanced at the said man who was staring at you in wonder, you staring back at him.

"Today, Listen today, he punched me in the face and earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life! Not me."

"You're Unbelievable Klaus." Luther commented as Klaus glanced at him and Allison rolled her eyes.

You didn't know why that was so hard to believe, I mean, he's right there. You had wanted to commented but you thought this was a family affair and decided against it.

"You want proof? Is that it? Alright, I'll give you proof, it's show time baby. Catch!" Klaus then proceeded to throw a bowling ball at the hooded man but the ball seemed to have just gone through him.

"Is there anyway to silence that voice in your head that just screams out to be the centre of attention?" Luther asked as Klaus glared.

"You know I liked you a lot better before you got laid." Klaus stated as Luther and Allison's eyes widened in shock.

"Which was a complete, it-it wasn't, his fault, cause he was ridiculously high right? And-and , the girl, she thought he was a furry and-"

"Stop." Luther ordered as you sustained your giggle.

Holy s**t this family was amazing.

"Allison Wait." Luther mumbled before going after an angry Allison.

"Excuse me, excuse me, it's my son's, Kenny's birthday today and wouldn't your son be more happier playing with kids his own age? Assuming it's okay with your two dads." A woman asked as she and a boy came up to the remaining group.

"I would rather chew off my own foot." Five stated as the woman gasped before waking away.

Five approached the place the bowling ball was spit out and took out a cylinder like tube.

"How did she find me?" He mumbled as you glanced worriedly from behind him, he then proceeded to take out a candy wrapper from his pocket and unwrap it to find that there was a small glowing green piece.

"She's good." He continued before dropping the piece and crushing it. Five then opened the tube to reveal a fortune cookie, inside was a piece of paper.


Rain Quail, Rm 12

"The hell does that mean?" You asked as Five just pursed his lips before disappearing on you and accidentally making you knock onto another pole, causing you to have another vision.

This time, multiple gas masked men appeared and began shooting but you were not affected by it at all. You were able to pass through them, as if you were a ghost.

You watched as the men shot towards the remaining siblings, shooting everything in their path as the siblings began to fight back and you gotta say, they were good.

They had managed to take on most of them but they had just kept coming and sooner or later, the siblings decided to go through the bowling alleys which you thought was pretty smart but it was also something you didn't want to do. 

When you woke up, you found yourself sleeping on three chairs and found that one of them had carried you all the way from the floor to here.

You stood up and Klaus smiled, patting your back as Luther came back.

"Wait, where's Five?"

"He left."

"Oh for the love of- where'd he go?"

"Didn't tell us."

"Well, we're not waiting around for him, the concert starts in 30 minutes."

"Alright so what's the plan?"

"Well, I thought that we could uh, we go to the Icarus Theatre."

"That's a location, not a plan." Diego commented as Allison turned away.

"What? Is that all you got?" Diego asked angrily as he got close to Luther, intimidating him.

"Look, you wanna be Number 1, Fine. But you're gonna have to get us to the same page because right now, we're all over the place."

"You're right. We need a plan." Luther mumbled as armed men began to make their way in and began to shoot everywhere causing everyone to suck or run for their lives.

"Who the hell are these guys?!"

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus suggested as you began to remember the vision you had foreseen.

You remembered the moves they all did and began to formulate a plan in your brain, a plan that you hoped would work. But before you could stand up, Luther had dragged you back down again.

"What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"I got this. Trust me." You said before he slowly released you, you stood and got ready to battle.

"I really hope this works." You mumbled before running towards them.

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