Dating Klaus Would Include

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A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! I hope you're all having a great day/night and Thank you all so much for the votes and reads and I hope you enjoy this premagine! 

1. Him having frequent convos with the dead

"Why do you talk to the dead so much?" Luther asked as Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Well that's because I like the dead, they make good conversations." Klaus answered sarcastically as Luther scowled.

"Why do you think Sherlock?"

"Ooo! I know the answer to this!" You joked raising your hands up as Klaus pointed at you.

"Because Unlike you Luther I understand that Klaus can't control the fact that he can speak to the dead. So even if he doesn't want to, he has to." You stated as Luther just rolled his eyes.

"It was just a question."

"Yeah a question a dumb ape like you would ask." You smiled innocently as Klaus laughed, fist bumping you while Luther just left.

"I know right." Klaus chuckled as you looked at him strangely before quickly understanding.

"The dead?" 

"Yeah.  A girl. About your age. She says Luther's a d**k." 

"Well I completely agree with her on that." You laughed as the two of you spent the day just talking to loads of dead people. 

2. Always playing with his curly hair

"(Y/N). Are you playing with my hair?" Klaus asked as you were hugging him from behind as he was sat on one of the couches in the living room.

"No?" You tried as Klaus laughed, pulling one of your hands down, kissing it before letting you go back to brushing his hair with your fingers.

"How is it this curly and fluffy?" You asked bewildered as you saw the hair move, revealing a very weirded out Klaus who was looking at you.

"What? It's curly."

"Yeah but fluffy?"

"Touch it! It's so soft!" You gushed as you dragged Klaus' hand to touch his own hair, letting it drag across.

"Oh yeah, it is kinda soft." Klaus realised as you nodded, feeling accomplished, the two of you then began to feel each others hair, comparing it while Luther walked in, looked at the two of you before rolling his eyes:

"And they say I act like a monkey." 

3. Shopping together

"Short sleeve or long sleeve?" You asked as you presented the Klaus with your two choices of clothing that you had picked from the rack.

"I go short sleeve because we all know that it gets bloody hot in here." Klaus answered honestly as you chuckled before stacking the shirt sleeve shirt with the rest of your pile.

"You wanna get anything?" You asked Klaus shook his head before motioning to your pile of clothes.

"I'll just take some from yours, no big deal." 

"Are you using my shirt?" You asked crossing your arms as Klaus smiled sheepishly, trying to hide it. 

4. Frequent pecks on the cheek

"I love you (Y/N)." Klaus stated as he kissed you on the cheek once more.

"I love you too Klaus but you have got to stop kissing me! Especially since your mouth reeks of alcohol!" You cried as Klaus just laughed like a little girl before kissing you on your cheeks once more.

"At least brush you teeth!"

"Are you saying you don't love me?"

"I never said that."

"I love you (Y/N)."

"Oh boy." You rolled your eyes as you endured an hour of Klaus being such a helpless romance towards you, your cheeks now filled with kisses and your body now used to the smell of alcohol, this had caused you to take initiative and pull Klaus in for an actual kiss, lip to lip. 

5. Helping him stay sober

"So what happens if I take the drugs?" Klaus asked as you looked at him, thinking:


Klaus smiled and inserted the pills into his mouth ready to swallow only to be stopped when you said:

"It's when you swallow the pills. That things get nasty."

This had caused Klaus to rethink his decisions, he glanced at you in a curious manner that you took as a 'please elaborate' type of expression.

"Well for starters, I won't talk to you, for a month. No PDA, no kisses, no cuddles, nada and I'm gonna move away." You warned as Klaus' mouth opened ajar, giving you enough time to punch him which caused him to spit the pills out.

"I'll be taking this." You stated as you grabbed a tissue before grabbing the pills on the floor, throwing it in the trash.

"(Y/N)! I need to get high! You know how many dead people have been taking to me?" Klaus asked as you just shrugged.

"Why get high when you have me?"

"You know I can't get angry at you (Y/N)." Klaus mumbled as he pulls you into a kiss.

-Later on that night-

"How come you can drink?" Klaus asked confused as you looked at him, holding your glass filled with alcohol. 

"You know how hard it is to take care of you? A girl needs her energy from somewhere." You answered shrugging as Klaus rolled his eyes before going back to his confinement room as you had told him that if he were to go out of the room for more than 5 minutes, you would leave him. 

6. You being best friends with Ben

"Oh my god! Is that what he looked like as a kid?" You asked shocked as Ben nodded, the two of you going through the family album.

"That's so sweet!" You cooed as you saw a picture of kid Diego and Klaus hugging each other.

"Here's one of him taking a picture with what seems to be a ghost." Ben stated as he showed you a picture of young Klaus right beside the cemetery, seemingly holding onto an invisible force as they took the picture. 

"That's impressive." 

"Yeah but don't get too attached to the ghosts. Klaus doesn't like it when ghosts get the attention of his loved one, in this  case, is you." Ben informed as you nodded, Klaus coming in screaming:

"Don't touch her!" 

You and Ben leaped up in shock as Klaus glared at what seems like an empty space behind you. 

"What happened babe?" You asked as Klaus glared at the wall. 

"He was about to touch you. I had to stop him." He mumbled as you laughed and hugged him, telling him how you would never cheat on him and that you would never allow anyone to touch you, at least, any physical touches that you can prevent. 

"You never know. He's very good looking." Klaus informed as you rolled your eyes:

"Do you want me to cheat on you?" 


"Then don't give me reasons to." You ordered as Klaus just grumbled. 

"Besides, he's a ghost. It wouldn't work out." You said as Klaus nodded, now more confident that he could protect you from any type of danger, Ben just sitting there trying not to laugh at the whole ordeal. 

"I'll see you at 8?" You asked Ben as he nodded, Klaus becoming jealous once more. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh. Ben and I are having another gossip session." You stated as Klaus looked at Ben, demanding an explanation. 

"It was her idea! Not mine!" Ben defended as you rolled your eyes before dragging an angry Klaus away from Ben before he could attack him.  

7. Constantly making each other laugh

"What are you looking at?" You asked as Klaus just shrugged, the two of you sending confused glances as each other as you drank water, only for you to spit it out seeing as you couldn't keep a straight face.

"I'm sorry." You manage to let out as you clenched your stomach in pain while you laughed.

"Your face is just so cute and when you're staring at me with such a confused face!" You started before another laugh took place, now joined by Klaus who also couldn't keep a straight face any longer and laughed along with you.

"What's so funny?" Diego asked coming into the room as the two of you stopped laughing, now looking at Diego with straight neutral expressions. 

"Oh nothing." You answered as Diego just looked at you strangely before walking away muttering how he didn't want to deal with any of this in the morning. 

You and Klaus looked at each other, eyes intimidating the other as Klaus broke first, laughing so hard that it had caused you to go from a chuckle straight onto a full on 'you might die from laughter' kind of laugh, full on holding your stomach, your face filled with tears from the pain in your stomach and your cheeks puffy and red. 

Umbrella Academy ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora