I'm Immortal(Number Five)

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Requested By: Unpredictable_Taco Hope it's to your liking!

Set in an AU where Five didn't disappear 

Imagine: You have immortality which meant that you were unable to die. Living in the streets was not something you were used to but after you had gotten into a car accident and survived miraculously without any injuries, you were adopted by Reginald Hargreeves who had believed you to be one of the 43 sudden birth children that had came to be, it had been 8 years after he had adopted the other seven.

Five was, more or less, the first to welcome you into the family.

"Hello, welcome to Umbrella Academy. My name is-" Allison was cut off by Five who had teleported in front of her, his right hand out for you to shake as he started:

"Five. I mean, my name is Five, this is Allison."

"Well it's nice to meet the two of you. My name is-"

"(Y/N). I know."

"Well aren't you confident."

"I try." Allison rolled her eyes at this before she left the two of you alone.

Throughout your 1 year there, you had become very close to Klaus which meant that you were also very close to Ben as they were always seen together.

Sometimes you hang out with Five but he always seemed to be nervous whenever you were around him and you had thought he was scared of you so you had tried to stay away from him.

Today was just another day in the academy, where you were sat on Klaus's bed with Ben while Klaus stood up, walking in a questioning manner.

"Are you sure you can't be killed?"

"Yes. I've tried it." You sighed for the millionth time as you were asked that question over and over again by the medium.

"How exactly have you tried it?"

"I've put a gun in my mouth and tried to shoot through my head. But the hole just covers up again."

"Oh wow." Ben muttered as he tried to imagine it.

"You ever just want to scream, "I'm immortal!" To everyone in the room?" Klaus asked in an over dramatic voice as you giggled but shook your head.

"The first time I found out I was immortal was when a car had hit me."

"Ouch. I see."

"(Y/N). Can I talk to you?" A new voice asked as you saw Five was waiting outside of Klaus' room, you nodded and waved goodbye at the other two before following after Five who had walked away towards his own room.

"What's up?"

"You're what's up."

"I don't follow."

"Ever since you've come here, you've made my life a living hell."

"How do I make your life a living hell?! I haven't done anything to you?" You asked confused and angry that you have been accused of doing such a thing.

"No! It's not what you are doing, it's what you are not doing!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're hanging out too much with Klaus and Ben! But mostly Klaus!"

"They're fun to be with!"

"And I'm not?" This had stopped you from refuting any further as you finally realized what was going on.

"You're jealous."

"I'm what?"

"You're jealous that I'm spending too much time with Klaus and Ben."

"And what makes you think that?" Five asked flabbergasted as you crossed your arms.

"The fact that you're acting like this right now." You answered honestly as he stood there, not knowing what to say next.

"Are you jealous Five?" Five looked around the room at anything but you as he said:

"So what if I am? That doesn't give you the right to make my heart leap!"

"I make your heart leap?" You asked amusingly as Five blushed.

"You make my body do a lot of things I don't want it to do." He admitted as you laughed at his confession.

"That's so sweet Five."

"Shut up." He mumbled before he took a deep breath and looked at you, his eyes filled with confidence:

"I like you (Y/N)."

"You do do you?" You asked smiling as Five nodded.

"You realise that being with me would be being with Klaus and Ben as well right?" Five looked astonished.

"No! Why are they involved?"

"They're my best friends Five. I can't just leave them like that."

"Fine. But I want to at least have some alone time with you as well." Five ordered as you laughed.

"That can be arranged."

"You didn't answer my question (Y/N)." He said as you smirked before leaning in and kissed his cheek.

After you kissed him, you moved back to your previous standing position and giggled at his star struck expression.

Five had this large smile on his face and his eyes looked at you adoringly.

His hand had wandered towards the cheek you had kissed him on as he sighed while you waved goodbye before walking back to Klaus's room.

You heard a distant scream of accomplishment and knew it was Five which had made you giggle at his adorableness.

Once you got to Klaus's room you were met with two very curious best friends who were all over you asking different types of questions:

"What happened?"

"What did Five want to talk about?"

"Did you just try to kill yourself again?"

"What do you think we're going to have for lunch?"

"Did Five finally reveal that he liked you?"

"Klaus! We were suppose to keep that a secret!"

"Oh right sorry. Pretend you didn't hear anything."

You laughed at your two best friends' antiques and slowly answered all of their important questions.

"Five just confessed that he loves me and no I did not try to kill myself again. Lunch is salad and chicken I think, I gotta double check with Mom."

"Well call me Nathan from Misfits, he actually did it."

"Did what?" Ben asked confused

"Confessed to (Y/N) and you said yes." Klaus answered as you smiled.

You had a crush on Five ever since your first meeting with him and to know that he genuinely liked you back was the best feeling.

"I'm happy for you and all but now I have to pay Allison 5 dollars. Since I told her you were going to confess to him. Thanks for letting me down (Y/N)."

"Wait. You bet on my relationship with Five?"

"Well yeah. What else are we supposed to do in this godforsaken academy?" Klaus asked as you shrugged:

"I don't know. Get a hobby?"

"This is my hobby (Y/N). Betting is considered a hobby."

"But not a good one."

"You didn't specify."

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes as Ben laughed.

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