Sharp Shooter(Number Five)

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A/N: Thank you all for reading and your support! Here is the final Five x Reader for today! Sorry it took so long, had to stay back after school to help out with a few things. But enough about me, hope you enjoy the story!!!

You had met Five in a shooting range that you usually went to as you were considered a professional shooter and was tasked to teach beginners how to shoot a shotgun.

Now, your physical appearance matches a 13 year old but you are actually around your early 50's. You had just stopped ageing after 13 and you had no idea why. Your parents had suspected you had gained your power from their great ancestors but there was no real evidence to that.

Your parents had told you to keep your 'power' a secret and the cover up you had always been told to use is that you had been born with a special disease that hadn't allowed you to age past 13.

Most people believed it, seeing as they didn't really know or care about the different types of diseases. Some even said you were lucky that you didn't age past 13, which allows you to keep your smooth skin without worrying about wrinkles. You had heard many comments but it always happened on the first day of the lesson.

Five was one of your students, the only one who never questioned your appearance, but you knew that he wasn't really a beginner, from the way he was holding the shotgun it had seemed that he was already a master at it.

He had been in 5 of your group classes to start with before he had asked for one on one lessons which you had agreed to since you were curious as to what his real reason for joining your lessons were.

Today was no different, he had come, wearing a suit nonetheless in the hot weather before waving at you. Not wanting to be rude you waved back and motioned for him to follow you.

The both of you arrived in one of the shooting areas as you gave him his shotgun and watched as he perfectly cocked the gun and aimed at the target.

Once he was ready, he shot, over and over again, never missing any of the moving targets.

"Why are you here Five?"

"I beg your pardon?" He asked back as he shot another target, causing it to fall down from the force.

"Why are you having lessons with me? You and I both know that you don't really need one."

"What are you talking about? I'm horrible at this."

"Sure you are. That's why most of the targets are knocked down." You stated unimpressed at his lying abilities as you crossed your arms and raised your eyebrow at him in a questioning manner.

"Alright. You caught me. You wanna know the real reason I came?"

"Enlighten me."

"I wanna know why a 13 year old girl is here teaching people older than her, how to shoot?"

You were shocked when he asked you this because out of every class he had been to with you, he had never once asked you that question, until now.

"I have a special disease that doesn't let me age past 13."

"So you have some sort of power?" 

"I prefer it to be called a disease." 

"So how old are you?"


"So you're like me."

"I'm sorry?" You asked confused as he began to smile.

"You can say that I turned back into a 13 year old when I time travelled back to the present."

"I'm sorry hold on. Turned back? Time travelled? What? How?"

"I have a special disease too." He smirked as he used the term you had used.

"So you have the power to time travel?"

"Firstly it's a disease, if your 'power' is a disease then so is mines. Secondly, I can also spatial jump from one place to another." He continued as you nodded.

"Okay. So you're like some sort of superhero?"

"Nah. I'm way past that."

"So you're suppose to be how old now?" You asked as he looked at you.


"Oh. Wow."


You stared at him in surprise and awe as you started to move your hand subconsciously to touch his face, Five leaning into your touch before you realised what you were doing and withdrew your hand from his face, blushing.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be." With that he grabbed both your hands and put it on his face once more causing you to chuckle.

"(Y/N)! Once you're done with that student, you're free to go! Other student canceled his appointment, saying something about having to take care of his pet or something." The owner of the shooting range informed as you nodded looking confused.

"He doesn't have a pet."

"Oh well. Maybe he just bought one." Five smiled innocently as you narrowed your eyes at him in accusation.

"Five." You started as Five avoided eye contact with you. 

"You didn't just buy a 10 year old a pet. Right?"

"I might've. But you have no proof."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Cause you need a break and what better way to spend the break with me."

"And what makes you think I want to spend it with you?"

"The fact that you didn't pull away from my face after I released your hands." You had finally noticed that your hands were indeed still on his face as you quickly removed it.

"Fine but only if you beat me."


"Shooting. What else? Whoever gets to 10 targets first wins."

"You're on."

With that they had gone up to two shooting areas before cocking their gun. A clock nearby them had begun the timer and they started shooting.

This had gone on for about 10 minutes and both of you needed one more target to win. The only problem was, there was only one target left which would mean that only one person will win and there will be no draw.

In the end, Five had won, much to your surprise. So as promised, you had spent the remaining day with Five. He had brought you to a fancy restaurant before bringing you to a public park where you both sat down and talked.

"Why do you like (Favourite animal)?" Five had asked you as you shrugged.

"I find them interesting. How they can (interesting fact about favourite animal)."

"That seems nice." Five smiled as the both of you sat there, waiting for night to come.

A/N: Hey guys! Quick question which one would you guys be looking more forward to see? Leave a comment on any one of them and be specific on which one you would like a continuation or which other character besides Five that you want! Thanks a lot for reading and have a great morning/night!

1. NEW Number 5 X Reader

2. CONTINUATION of any of the ones I have already created

3. NEW every other character besides Five X reader

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