Tutor(Number 6/Ben Hargreeves)

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A/N: Hello! I know I promised that I will update every week, but last week was a struggle with university applications and all but today I have an update for you! Thank you for everyone who has read, voted and commented on this imagines, really means a lot. So without further ado, I give you the update! I hope you like it!

School AU

Student! Ben x Student! Reader

You were a student, currently in high school and to say it was hell was an understatement, you were failing most of your classes and despite studying for it, you just couldn't seem to concentrate and always end up failing. Time and time again, you were called to the principal's office to discuss your fallen grades and every time you did, you received a tutor.

Most were unwilling to teach you but did so to increase their credit scores. Unfortunately, you didn't really improve, until of course, that one faithful day.

After another devastating grade being given back the principal once again, announced that you come see him in his office. Most of the people in your class would mock you for this but honestly, you didn't care, all you cared about was (favourite things) and of course, Ben Hargreeves.

That boy was amazing. He was a 11/10 and really nice, or so you've heard. He was in the top set for mostly all the classes so you only got to see him when he walks past your classroom window to lunch and every glance you two shared was heavenly, even if he didn't know who you were. The way he smiled and waved when the two of you made eye contact was enough to make your heart melt. But anyway, continuing on with the story:

You sluggishly sighed before standing up, picking up your bag before walking out of the classroom but not before (Best Friend Name) bid you ado.

"Good luck bestie." She cheered, waving at you which caused you rolled your eyes before making your way to the principal's office.

"Hi sir." You greeted quite nervously as you took a seat, the sound of the large wooden door closing, instantly adding to the tension in the room.

"Do you know what you're here for (Y/N)?" He asked as you shrugged, trying to maintain eye contact:

"My grades?"

"Exactly. How do you keep getting such low marks (Y/N)? You've had plenty of tutors before so why aren't you improving?"

"I don't know." You answered as you tried to sink into your seat, hoping the chair could swallow you and get you out of this mess.

"I'm going to give you one last shot (Y/N). If you can't improve, then I'll have to email your parents about this." He stated as you nodded,not really caring.

Even if he did email them, they were currently on vacation with no source of technology/communication as they wanted to get away from their lives for a bit.

"So I would like Ben to tutor you." He continued on as you shot your head up, confused.

"Ben? Like, Ben Hargreeves?" You asked as he nodded, you now felt a figure sneak up behind you but before you could turn around, Ben Hargreeves had seated himself right next to you, on the other available chair.

"Are you fine with that Ben?" The principal asked as the black haired boy nodded, agreeing to the terms that were provided.

"Excellent. I'm sure you'll make (Y/N)'s grades here improve."

"I won't let you down sir." Ben proclaimed as the principal smiled and nodded before sending the two of you out.

"Hey Ben Listen, you don't have to-"

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