Assassin(Number 2/Diego Hagreeves)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating yesterday! I died straight after athletics. But now I'm back from the dead and ready to write! Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! Hope you have a nice day/night!

Inspired by: Assassin by AU/RA

Requested by: blushingloser

For a good few years, you were tasked to find your missing boyfriend Diego, who had been kidnapped by an unknown villain , problem was, you had no traces to follow which meant that you had little to no hope on finding him.

Until, a woman called stating that she had heard voices from a nearby warehouse and as you were already desperate, you went for it. Running towards the warehouse, gun in hand, calling for backup before going in.

You had found Diego strapped in a chair but no other source of life besides his already beaten up and bruised self.

Theories, I know you got your theories
I know you got this feeling
Everyone's out to get you

After Diego was rescued from the warehouse, he became different.

It was as if he wasn't sane anymore. He had grown to be paranoid of everything. Something the Diego you knew didn't do.

Faceless, enemies always faceless
Somehow, you're always blameless

"Diego stop! Please!" You cried out as you saw Diego punching a wall, thinking it was an enemy. During the past few days, Diego had been attacking random people in the street, ranging from little children to old ladies. He attacked everyone, unfortunately managed to harm 10 people so badly, they had to be taken into a hospital. 

"They're out to get me (Y/N)."

"Something happened in that warehouse. Something you didn't tell me." You stated as he staggered on his way to you before looking at you, straight in the eyes, a hint of red could be seen as you stared back at his lovely brown orbs.

"They'll kill you too (Y/N)."

"No they're not Diego!"

It's your back that you been stabbin'
When you gonna understand?

"You're apart of them too?! Aren't you?" Diego asked as he slammed you against the wall, his knife very close to your throat.

"Diego Stop."

"Are you even (Y/N)?! For all I know you're a spy!" He growled as you cried out, the blade slowly piercing your skin.

"I'm sorry Diego." You mumbled before proceeding to using your ability on him. Slowly, he began to blink rapidly and then fall onto the ground, unconscious.

You slid down the wall as you held onto your neck, thankfully his blade hadn't pierced your skin too badly.

"What happened to you Diego?" You mumbled, running your hands through his hair as he mumbled incoherently in his sleep.

After a few months, Diego's attitude began to get even worse. He had been to countless of therapists but none of them seem to help him.

You knew you couldn't live like this, do you made the decision to leave:

"You're breaking up me?!"

"I have to. For both your and my own good." You explained as Diego growled before punching the wall next to you.

"Please understand Diego."

"I understand Alright. I bet you didn't even love me."

"Diego. That's not tru-"

"Everybody in the world knows that everyone is at least a little twisted."

"Someone did this to you Diego. Tell me who!" You tried not really wanting to leave him. If Diego would just tell you what's wrong, this would all go back to normal, you could help him.

"I hate you." He glared before proceeding to leave you, closing the door to your share apartment roughly.

-3 years later-

"Who's there?" You asked, your powers ready to be used if necessary.

"Don't shoot. Please." A familiar voice mumbled as your eyes widened to see a familiar figure walk out.


"Hey (Y/N)."

"What are you doing here?" You asked as you unconsciously walked towards him, placing your hand against his cheek.

Diego leaned towards your hand before you quickly moved away from him, now a larger distance away from him.

"I see you're still scared." He chuckled sadly as you stared at him cautiously.

"I just wanted to say sorry. For... everything I did." He mumbled as you glanced nervously at him.

"Turns out. I was my own assassin."

"What does that mean?" You asked confused as Diego smiled happy that he got you to talk before walking over to you, wrapping his arms around you securely.

"It means that I was scared of myself. At least, scared of what I would do to other people." He explained as you nodded, slowly hugging back as well.



"You know I love you right?"

Good ending

"And I love you." You smiled before proceeding to kiss him.

"God how I've missed you." He stated as he kissed your cheeks.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). God I'm so sorry." Diego mumbled as he held you close. Tears began to form as you cried in his arms, missing his warmth, he was and still is your everything.

"Let's go inside. I cooked (favourite food)." Diego stated as your eyes glimmered in happiness before the two of you settled in to your house, hand in hand. 

Bad ending

"I love you too." You smiled as you tried to release from the hug only to have Diego hold you tighter.

"You can let go now Diego." You mumbled trying to push yourself away from him as he restricted your breathing.

"Die-" You were cut off by a piercing pain on your chest to see a knife had been plunged through.

"What?" You asked quietly as you fell onto the ground, now dead. Diego watched, with tears in his eyes as he crouched down and cried:

"I'm sorry."

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