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Crowley cannot love, or can he?

Crowley gazed lovingly across the table. He watched as his (very) long time crush indulged in a variety of sweets. His eyes were glued to the pink soft lips of the angel.

He loved this time of the day. He would be able to admire the other up close without suspicion. Allowing himself a moment to let his mind wander to a dream. Wondering what it would be like to be able to hold the other close, he didn't notice the blond snapping in front of his face.

"Huh? Oh! Uh, yes?" Crowley hoped Aziraphale didn't notice the blush creeping onto his face.

"I said, would you like some?" Aziraphale shoved a spoon of pudding into the red-head's face.

"Oh, I'm good, Angel." Crowley shook his head.

"I wonder what you're thinking in that head of yours. Always dozing off while I eat. Am I really that boring?" Aziraphale frowned.

"No, no, no Angel. You are definitely not boring at all. You're so interesting when you eat. I get lost in the way you eat. It's so intriguing and beautiful. I-" Cutting himself off, Crowley cleared his throat. He looked down at his own empty plate, embarrassed.

"Oh, my dear. You flatter me." Aziraphale smiled. "Too bad a demon such as you cannot really love me or anything I do. I'm only interesting and intriguing."

Crowley remained silent, embarrassment making his face hotter. He opened his mouth and closed it again. To admit his love would be a death sentence, or at least a stop-existing sentence.

They sat in silence. Aziraphale quickly finished his sweets. Paying for his meal and desserts, he stood. Crowley stood as well.

"Would you like to continue at the bookshop? Or do you have another place to go?" Aziraphale questioned. His blue eyes sparkled in the light.

"Yeah, we can go to your place." Crowley shrugged.

Once in the Bentley, Crowley looked at Aziraphale, face a bit red. He took a breath, calming his nerves only a tad(field- lol). Taking the other's hand, he reasoned internally that they wouldn't be overheard in here.

"Angel, I have to confess something." He waited until the other urged him to go on. "Well, I had admired you for a while. And I know this goes against everything that demons stand for. I understand if you don't agree or disgusted by this. But, Angel, I love you. Not in a friend way, but like, love-love. I want to be with you and wake up next to you. I want to spend the rest of our existence with you."

Crowley paused, watching to see if Aziraphale was disgusted by this new information. Instead, Aziraphale smiled widely. He took a hold of Crowley's hand and squeezed it.

"I've been waiting for this moment since forever." Aziraphale leaned in and brushed his lips against Crowley's. Both turned pink.

"Well, we better get to the bookshop. I have a surprise for you." Aziraphale smiled widely. He was shaking with excitement.


Crowley parked, wondering what kind of surprise Aziraphale had for him. Although, he wouldn't call it stalking, the demon had some help in keeping track of Aziraphale's day to day life. As he calls it, "extra cautionary steps".

Aziraphale unlocked the door, but before opening it he turn to the demon. "My dear, close your eyes, please. I want to make sure you get the best surprise ever."

Crowley nodded. He smiled and closed his eyes, grabbing onto the angel's arm. He heard a snap and a cloth blindfold covered his eyes.

"Just to make sure you don't peek." Aziraphale's voice teased.

"Alright. Nothing suspicious about that." He teased back.

Hearing the door open, he was led into the shop. It had it's usual smell, but something was different. It was familiar, but Crowley couldn't put his finger on it exactly.

The blindfold came off and Aziraphale spoke, "Open your eyes."

Crowley was hit with a powerful punch to the gut, leaving him gasping for unneeded air on the floor. Above him, Gabriel stood smirking down at him.

"What?" Crowley looked over to Aziraphale.

"I'm terribly sorry dear. You should know, never fall in love with the enemy." Aziraphale held an open canister. "You know, I never thought I would be able to actually trick you. You were so adamant, having others trail me, spy on me. But now I see how gullible you really are. An angel in love with a demon? What were you thinking." Aziraphale shrugged and threw the water on stunned, heart-broken demon.

After the screams echoed away, Aziraphale turned to his superior. "Well, it was fun while it lasted. What's my next job?"

Gabriel shook his head, smile on his face. "Silly Aziraphale, you're done here. You have done what was asked of you. You can now go back to Heaven. They'll have an office waiting for you, Archangel Aziraphale."

Yeah, yeah, I know there's no Archangel by that name, just figured it would be a cool twist. So I was thinking that we will put this book as completed, but still update with chapters here and there. What d'y'all think?

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