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Aro ace! Crowley and Aziraphale. I really like the idea of them being in a platonic relationship.

"How long have you two been married?" An elderly woman asked Aziraphale. The two supernatural beings were sitting, enjoying the crisp autumn air when the woman decided to say hello.

"Oh, we're just friends." Azi replied.

"Really?" The woman looked skeptical.

"Oh yes. We're both actually aro ace." He showed her his right hand. On the middle finger was a black band.

"Yep." Crowley popped the p.

"Oh, I see. You two look perfect together. It's a shame you're just friends." The woman shrugged. "But you can't help it, being born that way and what not." She walked down the path humming.


"You guys sure you don't have a thing for each other?" Pepper asked.

"Yes. We're just friends." Azi didn't look up from his book.

"Any love we feel towards each other is totally platonic." Crowley sat on the arm of the chair.

The them just looked at each other and shrugged it off.


"Good morning." Azi greeted the man. He kept a watchful gaze to see if one of his beloved books would be chosen.

"Morning." The man eyed Aziraphale, checking him out. "My, my. Don't you look spiffy." He walked up to the counter and leaned in. "Would you care to go catch a movie with me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not interested." Azi smiled politely.

Crowley entered the shop with a, "Hey angel!"

The man looked at Azi, "Sorry. Didn't know you were taken." Before Azi could correct him, the man walked out of the shop.

"I brought alcohol!" Crowley announced, smiling widely.

Azi chuckled a bit and followed Crowley to the back, a question on his mind.


Adam looked at the certificate in his hands, then at his unofficial godparents. "I thought you guys said you were just friends."

"We are." Azi replied. Crowley and him sat at the small kitchen table.

"Then why do you have this?" Adam asked curiously.

"We figured since everyone thinks were a couple, might as well make it official." Crowley explained. He put the marriage certificate away.

"Plus it makes taxes much easier. Also the house in South Downs I've been eyeing up, is up for sale. The elderly couple selling wanted a new couple or a family to buy their home." Azi placed a mug of cocoa in front of Adam.

"And even though we're married, we're still just friends. " Crowley stated.

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