Crowley vs Book

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Continuation of Pages of Love.

Crowley smashed the doors to the small shop open. He was going to do it. He was going to confess his love to Aziraphale.

Announcing his presence, he sauntered to the back. He felt something was off. Something was different about the shop.

Arriving to his destination, he saw the angel fast asleep on the couch. In his hands was a familiar book. He moved toward the other and looked at the book more closely. A smell was coming from Aziraphale and the book. It was a smell of sex.

Crowley stepped back in disgust and wonder. He would've never thought the angel would do the deed with another, let alone this inanimate object.

With a cry, he fled from the shop. He was angry  and jealous. That was supposed to be him. He was the one to be Aziraphale's one and only. He slid into the Bentley and sped off into the night.


Aziraphale woke with start. He was confused at first and remembered the wonderful evening he had with his book. Sitting up, he placed the book on the nearby table after a small kiss to its cover.

He stood to leave, when the book said something of interest. "Crowley was here?"

He watched as the book lay on the table. His eyes widened in fear. "Of course I don't have feelings for him. You're my one and only, dear."

The book lay there, Aziraphale watching it. He picked it back up and rubbed the spine. "I love you and only you. I must get going though. I'll be back in about an hour. Please don't worry about Crowley."

He then placed it back down and left.


Crowley watched as the angel left the shop. He waited a few minutes until he was certain that Aziraphale was gone. Sinisterly snickering, he opened the door and snuck out onto the sidewalk.

He looked back twice to see if anyone noticed him and began to pick at the lock, cause he's an idiot.

Successfully picking the lock, he tip-toed in. He knew that if he failed, the book would tattle to Aziraphale and he would never speak to him again.

Crowley snuck though the bookshop with intense care. His eyes searching for the text. He smiled seeing it asleep on the table in the back.

Immediately, he flung himself at it, knocking it to the ground. He wrestled with it for a few moments before tightly locking his arms around the thing.

"Aha! You thought you could steal Aziraphale from me? You thought wrong!" Crowley then shoved the book into a bag he miracled up and ran back to the Bentley.

Flinging the bag into the back seat, he laughed maniacally. "I told you I would get revenge!"

He slammed on the gas and sped off into the night, the poor book being tossed around in the back.

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