Something's Wrong

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Part 3 to Pregnant: Branch 1
I know I said I was gonna wait another day for the poll, but it seems like most of you guys want me to keep updating this book, so that what I'll do. Also updates will be irregular and I probably won't be able to post another chapter for the next few weeks.

Crowley was sitting at her desk, bored out of her mind. Her swollen belly made it hard for her to drive and walk for long periods of time. Aziraphale was out getting last minute decorations for their child's room.

Deciding she was bored of the same setting for the last hour, she went for a quick stroll. Pulling on a jacket, she made her way out of their home. Immediately she was greeted by their elderly neighbor. He was always looking out for Crowley especially after learning of her pregnancy.

He was always close to the demon, as he looked after them like his own child. He had no family left, since a house fire killed his daughter and his two grandchildren. After the bookshop fire, Crowley had constant nightmares and they would talk to the old man about them. He would always answer no matter the time.

Crowley smiled, "Hello, Mr. Samson."

"Hello, Ant." He gave a slight nod to Crowley. "I thought you were supposed to be resting. Your husband told me to call him if you were being stubborn about it."

"Of course he did. I'm just taking a small walk to stretch my legs." Crowley shrugged.

"Well, I'll be here, living my life to the fullest." He chuckled, going back to his newspaper.


Crowley stopped after about half an hour deciding to go back to the cover of her flat. Turning around, she made her way back. Not noticing the feeling of eyes on her.

As she got closer, she noticed that Mr. Samson was missing from his chair. She shrugged it off thinking he was inside. Although a feeling of unease was slowly creep up on her. She let herself inside and went up to her flat.

Opening the door, she noticed a mess had appeared. Papers were everywhere and it looked like someone ransacked through everything. Getting tense, she quickly got her phone out. She sent a quick text to Aziraphale.

Waiting for him to reply, she grabbed the nearest weapon, a large book, and made her way into the flat. She felt Amari kick her stomach a few times and she put a hand over her stomach.

Unfortunately for her, the universe was not on her side. Her water broke. She collapsed in pain when the first contractions started. She bit her lip trying to keep her pained whimpers in. Fumbling with her phone, she dialed Aziraphale.

It was sent to voicemail and she was starting to panic. Something was wrong with Amari, she knew it. There was an emptiness, she hadn't felt before. It was like the life in them was gone. Before she could call an ambulance, she was knocked out.

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