Red Bull and Coffee

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Crowley woke to the smell of fresh coffee. He smiled knowing that his love was up and at 'em. Opening his eyes, he read the time. 3:26 am. Confused and slightly worried, he made his way to the kitchen.

Walking in, he saw Aziraphale stirring a pot on the stove. "Um, angel. You do know what time it is, right?"

"Oh! Good morning, love. Yes, well you see, Adam has text messaged me a very important question." Azi explained.

"And that was?" Crowley glanced at the cans of red bull on the counter.

"What would happen if you drank coffee and red bull at the same time." Azi stated, turning the stove off and sniffing at the concoction he made. Making a face, he added another cup of coffee to the mix.

"Yeah, you'll discorporate and in his case, die." Crowley said, taking the hot liquid and dumping it in the sink.

"How do you know?" Azi asked.

"Tested it out on Hastur." Crowley shrugged. "I believe it was 2003."

"I see." Azi sighed. "Still, I kind of wanted to try it, maybe I would have different results."

"Yeah, we're not gonna do that." Crowley deadpanned. "If you want to test it out, give it to Gabe."

"I don't think he'd poison his celestial body." Azi said, sadly.

"Well, then we're done in here. Let's go back to bed." Crowley pulled the angel along.

"Oh! I still need to text Adam." He exclaimed, opening his phone.

"Just do it in the morning." Crowley yawned. He pulled Azi into the bed, trapping him in his arms. "Now, it's sleep time."

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