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Azi knocked on Crowley's door. He was trying to get in contact with the demon, but no luck. He decided confronting him face to face would work.

A minute passed and Azi knocked again. This time he heard a bang on the door from the other side. "What the?"

Opening the door slowly, he looked around. Finding nothing out of place, he called out. "Crowley!"

He took a step and tripped over something. Looking back, he saw a black disk trying to get out from under his legs. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry." He stood and dusted off nonexistent dirt from his pants, watching as the disk banged into another wall.

"Are you okay?" He tilted his head trying to figure out what in the world the thing was. 'It has to be sentient, as it's moving. It better not be like the platypus.' Azi thought. He walked cautiously toward the thing and bent down when he was about a foot away.

He squeaked and scooted back as the thing shot toward him, smashing into his ankle. "Ow!"

He had half a mind to kick the darn thing when he heard Crowley yell from another room. "Angel?"

Relieved he knew where Crowley was, Azi shot a dirty look at the thing. He started to walk when the thing flew passed him into the wall. Shaking his head, he continued his journey.

"Hello, de-ah!" He jumped when the thing tried to smash into his ankles again. "What is that infernal thing?"

"Oh! It's my roomba." Crowley looked up from his desk. He expertly picked his feet up when the roomba went for his legs. "I named him Fuck."

"Why?" Azi jumped again when Fuck decided to go for him.

"Cause that's all I could say after I turned him on." Crowley watched as the angel was hopping around trying to get away from Fuck.

"Why is he going for me?" Azi asked, breathless.

"Dunno. Want to get out of here?" Crowley stood and walked to the door. He maneuvered around the robot as it smashed into the wall. "Come on."

Azi all but ran out of the room, Fuck chasing him.

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