The Brain Cell

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Ever wonder where the 1 shared braincell Crowley and Azi have is all the time? Let me enlighten you. Starting at the beginning, the braincell was not 1, but 2 halves, each in the heads of the demon and angel. When Crowley decided to meet Aziraphale on the wall, it got stuck in the forbidden tree. Crying for help, it caught the attention of its other half that had belonged to Aziraphale. That half had left right before Azi had the bright idea of giving the sword away.

The two halves became 1 as soon as they touched. This new mightier braincell tried to get the attention of both demon and angel. It failed. Following the angel, it went on many adventures, until the Great Flood.

It ended up getting swept away, it was lost for a bit after the water dried up. It ended up in the Americas and had to catch a ride on some driftwood back to its owners. It never made it. It landed too far in India. Don't ask.

It finally found them again in London, specifically Soho. Upon seeing the demon, they stared in disbelief. The haircut Crowley was sporting shook them to their nerve. The gleaming Bentley also surprised them. Clambering up into the back, unnoticed by both supernatural beings, they saw the canister being passed from angel to demon.

"The holiest." Azi told Crowley. A lucky guess told them it was Holy Water. Trying their best to get their owners attention, they were thrown backwards as Crowley sped off into the night.

They were tired and very bored. They had been stuck in the Bentley for decades. Annoyed with Crowley's playlist, they spent most of their rides on the floor banging against everything.

'How could it possibly get worse?' It got worse. Now a screaming baby was accompanying them.

Jumping out of the car, they followed Crowley and the basket into the monastery. They jumped, climbing up Crowley's leg and then arm to get back into his head and back home. They found themselves landing in the basket with the antichrist. Giving up, they found a new home with Adam's other brain cells.

They were content and then it happened. Adam fixed everything. The 2 halves were ripped apart from each other and put back into their respective places. And for the rest of their lives, they screwed their owners over for destroying their happiness. The End.

I honestly have no idea what the hell this was, but I guess, enjoy?

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