Doodling (University AU)

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A soulmate AU, where anything that is drawn on a person's skin, is drawn on their soulmate in the same spot. Also Crowley is genderfluid in this. Also I have homework due in 2 hours, but I'm just going to procrastinate some more.

Aziraphale loved 10 am. Why? Well, 10 am is when Azi's soulmate gets bored and doodles on their arm. Without fail there is always a masterpiece in the making. Most of these doodles are starry constellations or beautiful blooming flowers.

When curvy lettering started to form, Azi watched in curiosity as the mystery person wrote a name. Crowley. It had hearts and blooming flowers all around it. Azi's heart dropped. He knew that this person and him were soulmates, but they have a crush on some weirdo named Crowley.

"What kind of a name is Crowley?" Azi thought, mildly jealous. Though he shouldn't be calling people out based on their name as his full name was Aziraphale.

There were now elegant swirls around the name. This angered Azi a bit as he thought about how they knew he could see their doodles. He decided to ignore the ink drawing on his skin and actually pay attention to his philosophy class.


It was 10 am the next morning when Azi watched, heartbroken as more flowers and stars seemed to bloom around the name. He decided to remind his soulmate they were to end up together, not with this Crowley character.

He grabbed his pencil and started drawing on his left arm. Unfortunately, he pressed too hard with his pencil. The use of a pencil was a horrible idea mainly because the lead would not even write on the skin. The other reason this was a bad idea was because pencils are hella sharp when sharpened, and Azi always kept his pencils sharpened to a point.

He started to bleed and heard a small whimper right behind him. A red-head, whom he never talked to was holding their left arm. The red-head looked down at Azi with tears in their eyes.

Azi quickly turned back around and cursed himself. He knew he messed up and tried to find a solution. He decided to apologize after class and maybe, just maybe ask them out. He knew that they were genderfluid from over hearing a conversation with the girl next to them and didn't want to make things worse by misgendering them. He never asked their name and he felt like an idiot.

As the professor dismissed the students, Azi got up and turned around. The res-head, as if reading his thoughts, spoke first.

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean to do that." The red-head, upon closer inspection wore tight black skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt. They had their dark red hair in a bun and wore sunglasses.

"What's your name?" Azi asked, hoping to get out of the embarrassing predicament he put himself in.

"Well, I thought that was obvious." They gestured to Azi'z arm.

"Y-you're Crowley?!" Azi felt heat rise to his cheeks. He was pretty sure he looked like a tomato now.

"Yep and you're pretty slow for someone so smart." Crowley smirked.

"Hey!" Azi pouted. "Anyways, I know you're genderfluid and I was wondering what pronouns you're using today?"

"Masculine today. I'm surprised you know that, angel. Trust me, you'll know when I'm feminine." Crowley stated picking up his bag.

"Well, I'm sorry for not wanting to say the wrong pronouns. And what's with the nickname?" Azi asked. He kind of wished he didn't know who his soulmate was now.

"Well first off, you never gave me your name. Plus "angel" fits you." Crowley shrugged.

"My name's Aziraphale, but people call me Azi for short. I also have one more question."

"Shoot." Crowley stood up, checking his watch.

"Why do you wear sunglasses indoors?" Azi an awkward silence settle between them.

"I have this birth defect. My eyes are yellow because pheomelanin is dominant in my eyes." Crowley frowned a little. He sighed when he saw Azi's confused stare. "Pheomelanin is an eye pigment found in  green eyed people. It's what makes that ring of yellow surrounding the pupil in green eyed people. Since this pigment is dominant in my eyes, my entire iris is yellow."

"Can I see?" Azi knew he was pushing his luck, but he wanted to see the real Crowley.

Crowley sighed, "You said you only had one more question." He teased, but started to take them off anyways. When they were off, Azi gasped. "I know they're hideous."

"No they're not. They're beautiful." It was true. Crowley's eyes were not the pale, banana yellow Azi thought they were going to be. They were a vibrant gold-amber color that made his eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

Crowley blushed at the compliment and shrugged a little. "Well, since I'm going to be late for class, care to ditch with me?" He stretched out his hand to Azi.

"Sounds like fun." Azi took his hand. They ended up chatting and walking around campus for the rest of the day.

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