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Pt 3 to Abused

Aziraphale blinked a few times before his vision cleared. He was confused at first. He remembered Crowley had been there. Crowley.....Crowley!

He jumped to his feet and about to run out of the shop before he heard, "Angel?" to his left.

There he sat, the red-headed demon who was heavily bandaged. His chest was bare, except for a long blistering burn, starting from his sternum to his belly button. It looked as if the center was burned by acid and the toxins slowly spread outwards. A small flame, most likely Hellfire, kept it from spreading further. Crowley hated the flame, but it was the only thing keeping him alive.

His face wasn't in better condition. Patches of burns were on his right cheek and forehead. He held some bandages in his hand, wrapping them around his wounds.

"Crowley!? What happened!?" Aziraphale exclaimed. He knew something bad like this would happen. 'Fuck! This is all my fault. If only I had been more careful.'

Crowley, noticing how quiet Azi had gotten, spoke, "This is nothing. You should see the other guy. I mean, should've. He's gone now. For good." Crowley let out a hoarse laugh and smiled widely.

Aziraphale didn't share the joke, he burst into tears. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

Crowley reached out and gently grasped his hand. "Shh. None of this was your fault, only Gabriel's."

Azi sniffed. "It is my fault. If only I wasn't such a lousy excuse of an angel." He sat on the floor in front of Crowley, head in his hands.

"Don't say that." Crowley shifted, so he was kneeling in front of the weeping angel. "You are an amazing angel. Gabriel is the lousy one."

"Did it hurt?" Azi asked quietly.

"Hm?" Crowley's eyebrow raised. "Did what hurt?"

"The Holy water." Azi looked up at the demon.

"This?" Crowley gestured to his injuries. "Obviously," Azi looked as if he was about to break down again, "but losing you would've hurt even worse."

At this Azi looked up again, "Really?"

"Really." Crowley nodded. "Enough of this wishy-washy stuff. It's about time I give you the deets on my victorious battle with that bastard."

Azi rolled his eyes, wiping away the tears still gathering. "Oh, alright."

Crowley smiled and dove into the story.

Update: I am going to work on the fight scene. Won't be uploaded for a bit, tho.

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