Dinner Party

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Azi was sent by heaven to make sure all went well at this party. There were many high ranking government officials attending. He was told trouble was brewing and the infamous Crowley would show up.

An hour after the start of the gathering, Azi bumps into an old friend. "Crowley, my dear. What a surprise seeing you here."

"Yes. Yes. Happy to see you too, angel." His eyes barely noticeably scanning the crowd.

"Should I even ask why you have a knife up your sleeve?" Azi frowned slightly.

"Not a knife, a dagger. Special job instructions." Crowley stated. He finally stopped trying to find whoever it was he was targeting.

"I see. Do you mind, I want to grab some hors d'oeuvres." Azi reached behind Crowley, grabbing some grapes and cheese cubes from the table.

Crowley suddenly grabbed Azi's hand and bowing to place a kiss, he murmured, "Would you like to dance?"

"Of course." Azi's face grew hot and he suddenly felt eyes on them.

Leading him to the dance floor. Crowley brought him close and they started to sway. His eyes continuously darting from face to face. Azi noticed how stiff he was and tried to start some friendly conversation.

"So, what's the job?" Azi asked nonchalantly. He was trying to figure out if his assistance would actually be needed or if he could turn a blind eye.

"Someone didn't hold up their part of a deal made with Satan himself." Crowley explained, his eyes now looking at Azi. Even behind the dark-tinted glasses, Azi could see the look of inner conflict. Crowley would never hurt a soul, maybe mildly annoy them, but never hurt. The task at hand was against his moral compass, even if he was a demon.

Azi nodded in understanding. He knew it was wrong, but with the agreement in place, he could do something about the situation at hand. Looking at Crowley, he sighed.


The deed was done. All it took was a call. The man in question was in a lot of trouble with some bad people in the black market. Azi was able to set up the target with a poisoned drink within an hour. By the second hour, the target was dead.

Though Crowley failed on the one aspect of thee job, he would be able to blame the angel for thwarting him. Azi was just relieved to know that another evil person was off the streets. He was also glad that Crowley didn't have to go through doing the murder. He hates to think what he would have gone through mentally.

He draped himself on his tiny couch. He was just mentally exhausted and actually just wanted to sleep for once. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

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