Oh no, the 4th Wall.. it's broken

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Crowley and Azi sat at their bench enjoying each other's company. There was a weird feeling, something like danger, but more dangerous....

A sound like shattering made the two jump as they turned around to see glass on the ground and a hole in the fabric of their world. A group of humans stared from their frozen places. Some froze with terror, some with confusion. It wasn't long until a few screamed. Panic settled into the crowd.

"The fourth wall!" A female yelled, freaking out. She was bent over the shattered glass, trying to pick up the pieces. Horribly failing I might add.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Another figure yelled excitedly. They ran up to the two shocked supernatural beings. "I can't believe it!"

A few other humans ran to the three, all talking excitedly about "the fandom" and "being your biggest fan".

A few held back, trying to fix the glass wall.

"I can't believe this. Who broke it? Y'all know the wall is extremely fragile." The female rubbed her temples, glaring at the mob.

Another female shook her head, "Don't blame me. I told you we needed more than duck tape."

Finally, the wall was able to be somewhat restored. Looking toward the others, who are still surrounding Azi and Crowley, the girl gave a sharp whistle.

All talking stopped and it seemed like just in time. The group almost accidently discorporated the two bewildered figures in the center.

"Alright, play times over. Get your asses back behind the wall. Right now!"

A few listened, others complained loudly, while majority ignored the orders.

A pause, a whooshing sound, and a great wind sucked up the mob back to whence it came.

Azi and Crowley looked at eachother. A shrug and they went on with their day.


Unbeknownst to everyone, a shadow smiled, hiding behind a tree.

Yea, this sucked. Sorry. In my mind this was a lot funnier, but I got lazy halfway through and honestly forgot where I was going with this lol. Working on a few more chapters and hope they'll be ready soon.

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