Fuck you Karen

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I spent too much time on Reddit and reading entitled parent stories. I hope I do not offend anyone who is named Karen. I thought this might be funny after the last chapter posted.

- Imagine if Crowley and Aziraphale raised Adam

- Crowley has the honor of going to the PTA meetings because Azi can't close the shop

- Crowley hates Karen

- Adam plays sports with Karen's crotch goblin, Jeremy

- Jeremy is a bitch

- Adam is better at everything (with a little help from his powers)

- Crowley tries to out do Karen with "his" (Azi's) home-made baked goods

- Crowley is in constant competition with Karen when it comes to party planning

- Crowley subtly making sure Karen always gets stuck in traffic

- Aziraphale doubting how much of a bitch Karen is, because let's face it, Crowley is dramatic as fuck

- Aziraphale finally agrees to take a day off from running the bookshop and meet Karen

- Karen throws some serious shade with a condescending tone like, "Oh, so you run a crusty little shop and your, *ahem*, husband, is unemployed."

- Crowley about to throw hands when Aziraphale stops him

- Aziraphale smiling sweetly and says, "Fuck you Karen, you homophobic bitch. How's your husband doing? Oh yeah he dumped your ass for another man after realizing how much of a bitch you are."

- Zira walking away with a smiling Crowley, who flips her off

- She avoids their family like the plague

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