Bathtime (Fluff)

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Crowley is shedding and takes a bath to help. It gives Aziraphale flashbacks of his trial. Post- Armagadidn't
Warnings: none

It was that time of the year again. Crowley has just finished filling up the bathtub and got in. His snake form was shedding and it was a pain. The snake demon was laying in the tub with his head on a flat rock.
His long body cooled around the stone and he let out a sigh. It wasn't easy shedding his old skin. He rubbed against the rough surfaces of the rocks every so often.
Suddenly a knock was heard at the front door. Crowley "growled" at the noise. Even if he wanted to get the door, he was unable to change back to his human form while shedding.
He figured since there was silence for a few minutes, the person figured he was not home. He decided since it would take two hours to to shed, he would take a small nap.
What he didn't notice was the opening of the front door. What he did notice was a gasp and footsteps running toward the tub. He didn't even open his eyes when he was suddenly pulled out of the water.
"Crowley?! Crowley! Crowley!" Please don't be dead!" Aziraphale's voice was laced with worry.
Crowley, not liked being jostled around and in pain from being roughly scratched against a jagged stone, hissed and glared at the angel. "Put me back!"
When he was back in the water, he took a good look at the angel's tear-steamed face. "Angel? What'sss wrong?"
"I j-just saw you laying there, *hiccup*, in the tub motionl-less. I-it reminded me of y-your trial." Aziraphale couldn't hold back his sobs. "I thought they got you and I would never see you again."
"Angel. Sshhh. It'sss okay. We're both okay." Crowley internally cursed that he couldn't change back to his human form yet. "I wasssn't exsssspecting you to vissit now. I'm kind of ssstuck like thisss until I ssshhed the rest."
Aziraphale nodded, wiping up his tears. He looked a bit embarrassed. "Well since you're stuck like that for a while, I'll just leave you be. Give me a call when you're done."
Before he could walk out the door, Crowley spoke up. "If you want, you can stay here and keep me company." He looked at the clock on the wall. "It'll only be another half an hour."
Aziraphale smiles and miracled a chair for him to sit on. He had never seen Crowley shed, as he never knew he actually had to. "So, would you like to go to lunch after?"

45 minutes later and the demon and angel were climbing into the Bentley. Crowley has very soft skin now and Aziraphale rubbed his thumb over the demon's hand. "So soft." Crowley's face gave way to a bright blush.
"Sssstop it." He took his hand away, embarrassed. He put the car in drive and off they went to the Ritz.

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