Wait for Me

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Warning: major angst. Omg! 3 updates in the same day! This honestly was supposed to have a happy ending, but fuck your feelings (meant to be read in the tone of 'fuck your chicken strips'). We're in this hell together. (Sorry, not sorry) Also, you guys interested in a face reveal?

Crowley opened the small shop his angel loved so much. He dusted the always dusty shelves and reorganized the books. He knew if one book was out of place, his angel would have a heart attack, or just discorporate him.

After the morning chores of opening the bookshop, Crowley sat behind the counter waiting. As he waited his mind went back to five years ago. To the day he made a promise to his angel.

It was the day of the not-pocalypse. Azi had come to the bar as a glimmering spirit. Crowley was so drunk out of his mind with grief, he thought he was hallucinating. As he faded away, Azi asked Crowley to wait for him. Before he disappeared, Crowley replied yes.

After saving the world, Crowley went back to the fixed shop and waited. He waited and waited. Though he didn't know it then, he made an unbreakable promise to his angel.

After the first few months, it was hard on the demon. He would wait in the little bookshop, staring at the door, sure his angel would burst in any second. His hope was flickering.

After the first two years, Crowley underwent violent mood swings. He was depressed and angry. "Why!" He would shout. "Where could he be! What could possibly be more important than coming back?!" He would stay up all day and night worrying. His nightmares and fears would ruin any attempt at sleep.

By the fourth year, he drank. Not just a bottle or two, rather nine or ten. He tried to numb everything with alcohol. It didn't work.

After four years, seven months, two days, two hours, nine minutes, and forty seven seconds, he tried to enter heaven. He was stopped and casted out. He sat on the floor demanding his angel back. Only laughter was given.

Now five years have gone by and Crowley tried to have things back to normal. He would open the shop, but deterred customers from purchases. He barely went back to his flat, only to make sure the plants were in pristine condition. If any poor soul asked about Aziraphale, they would not have a good week.

Time seemed to tick by slowly as the demon sat there. He stopped talking a few months before. The bookshop's cozy atmosphere was no more. It felt like a shell of its former self. Crowley looked up when the little bell rang.

It was a woman, who he assumed was the mother, and a little boy. It must have been raining because both were soaked. Crowley automatically got up and greeting the two with a smile.

The mother gave a cheery smile back. "Hello sir, I'm terribly sorry about the water." A puddle was forming under the two.

Crowley input a message into his phone. "No problem." The monotone voice spoke.

"Do you mind if we stay here for a bit. The rain is very thick and I could barely see five feet in front of me." The mother asked.

After a thumbs up from Crowley, she turned to the boy. "Now, Zira, please go find something to occupy yourself."

Crowley stiffened at the nickname. He looked the boy over more closely this time. It wasn't his angel's white blond hair, but close enough. The boy's sky blue eyes were a definite match and they seemed to hold knowledge no child could know. Crowley didn't want to believe it, and honestly didn't. There was only one more thing to prove his theory.

"Ma'am? Is Zira a nickname of some sort?" Crowley held his breath.

"Oh, yes. His mother, bless her soul, named him Aziraphale. Very odd name, but that was her last wish. Don't know who the father is. He's actually under my care until we can find him a suitable home." The woman explained.

Crowley had heard rumors that the new punishment, instead of falling, was to be reincarnated as a human. Crowley knew that this was worse than falling because when the punished die, they cease to exist.

Felling weak, Crowley quickly sat down. The boy, Aziraphale, was watching him with a knowing look. He walked up to Crowley and hugged him tightly. "Thank you." He whispered in Crowley's ear.

The hidden meaning hit Crowley like a truck. He pulled away, tears flowing down his cheeks. He couldn't say anything. He shook his head, denying the completion of his promise. Slowly everything faded and Crowley found himself in Hell, in the year 3045 and feeling like he's missing something important.

Here's some upcoming chapters:

Here's some upcoming chapters:

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