Cigarettes and Starry Nights

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A certain demon was sitting on the front steps of the office building hiding Heaven and Hell. He took a long drag from the cigarette in his calloused hands. Sunglasses sat beside him as he admired the night sky as much as he could in the bright city. He was content as a demon could be. The night was calm and he waited patiently.

A blond man opened the doors of the building. He let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead, he muttered something under his breath. He moved toward the other, sitting next to him. "Good evening, Crowley."

"Heya, Aziraphale." The demon didn't move to face his friend. "How was the meeting."

"To be honest, I wasn't paying too much attention after Sandalphon decided to derail the conversation." Aziraphale looked up also, not really seeing anything. "May I have one?"

Crowley moved to take another two cigarettes out of the small box. Using a lighter, Crowley helped Aziraphale light the paper cylinder. Both took a long drag, a puff of smoke left their parted lips.

"The stars are beautiful tonight." Aziraphale stated, he looked at the other.

"Yes, they really are." Crowley sighed in content.

No other words were exchanged, as they both sat in comfortable silence. Letting the calm night breeze wash over them, the two supernatural beings shared the moment, not letting any worries bother them.

I don't know how smoking works, so a lot of it is probably wrong. Oh well. This is also to apologize for putting you guys through the previous chapter.

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