The Beginning

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Crawley wasn't sure how long he's been this suffocating darkness for. His charred and broken wings dragged limply behind him, as he wandered around the never ending darkness. It was lonely, but Crawley liked the quiet.

There it was a voice from the darkness. "Go up there and make some trouble."

A shift in the darkness and a sudden light blinded him for second. Taking a hesitant step forward, he put a hand up to try to see what was on the other side. Getting closer, he felt a warm breeze around him, a sweet fragrance with it.

Blinking, he opened his eyes, finding himself in a beautiful garden. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, but knew that his choice would impact the new world around him.

Feeling exposed in the open, he changed himself to become smaller, to be less of a blemish on the beautiful scenery. He somewhat missed the close comforting darkness.

While he slithered across the floor of the garden, he could here voices. Realizing they were getting closer, he hurried a large, grand tree. Climbing up the branches, he could see a man and woman talking in hushed voices.

He kept his head close to the red fruit of the tree, wondering what was being said. He felt wrong, like a extra paint stroke in a perfect picture that made it look not as magnificent as it would've been without it.

His tongue flickered in the air, smelling a familiar scent. It was a scent he knew, but couldn't place where it was from, like it was from a life before this one.

The woman nodded at the man as he left her and her swollen belly in the shadow of the tree. She stood in silence for a minute before looking up at the branches. She eyed the red fruit warily, before her eyes landed on the not so hidden demon.

Their eyes locked and Crawley froze. Time slowed, a nagging feeling told him this is it. Stretching himself out, he wrapped around the woman's shoulders, whispering temptations, not really knowing what he was saying.

He knew he did well, when the woman reached a hand out and picked the forbidden fruit from the branch. She held it in her hand, staring in the shiny skin. With one last glance at the snake around her, she bit into it, juices dripping from the bite.

Time seemed to speed up. Crawley felt a feeling of dread in his stomach. Trusting his gut, he slithered away from the tree, hiding in the tall grass. He heard the woman run away from the tree, her voice yelling out to the man.

It wasn't even a day before Adam and Eve was casted out. Crawley watched the scene from the branches of the tree. An angel, he learned was Aziraphale, was talking to them in a hurried tone.

Growing bored of the three of them, he slithered up into the higher branches of the tree, trying to look over the wall. Unfortunately for him the only way to find out what was over the stone, was to physically climb up it.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he made his way towards the towering wall. He found himself bathed in a calming energy, the higher he climbed. Popping his head over the side, he found himself looking at the back of the blond angel. Feeling his guards being let down, he changed into his original form. He felt safe and comfortable with this angel, though not understanding why.

He felt his wings rustle, a soft and healing aura stretched towards them, gently healing them. Soft, healthy feathers now covered the previous burnt skin. Giving them a small stretch, Crawley let out a sigh.

He stood next to the angel, feeling at peace, more than when he was in the darkness. Turning to face the other he spoke softly, "Well, that went down like a lead balloon."

I'm actually kind of proud of this one shot, what a surprise, so I'm updating a second time today. Also I just got the pdf of the Omens of Egypt and can't wait to get the physical copy.

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