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Crowley was staring into the bottom of the wine bottle he finished off only minutes ago. He had a sweaty hand in his pocket, nervously fidgeting with the ring he had chosen for his angel. I am way too sober for this. He watched as the angel was finishing up his dessert with a moan of delight from the sugary sweet.

His plan was to go to dinner with Aziraphale and pop the question at the right moment. This was ruined however, by Adam and the them popping out of nowhere to say hello. Aziraphale had ended up asking if the, now, adults wanted to join them as a bit of get together. Crowley hadn't had the heart to say no and was wondering why whoever in charge of life decided to keep fucking up his plans.

Aziraphale was telling the young adults about what they had been up to. They honestly have been very bored as their respective sides had not been in contact with them in ten years. There was the occasional feeling of being watched, but this feeling went away after the first year of nothing happening.

Crowley had asked if Aziraphale wanted to live together, as the angel had been spending a lot more time at his flat, than in the bookshop. Crowley had not succeeded as the angel did not want to give up his little business, if you could even call it that. Aziraphale mostly kept it around as more of a personal library, since they had no other place for his collection.

"So, I have been doing most of the conversing. Anything new in your lives? Adam, your powers are doing well I take it?" Aziraphale questioned the antichrist.

"Oh, yes. I actually haven't really been using my powers at all. Only when things aren't going the way they should. For example, now." With that Adam smirked and Crowley had the sudden urge to get on one knee and propose. He tried to fight it, as he believed that it was not the right time, but the more he fought, the more he felt compelled to do so.

It was hilarious as Crowley smacked his face into the table. He ended up kneeling in front of the opposite side of the table and since the table was one of those taller ones, he was hidden from Aziraphale's view.

His face heated up as he glared at the antichrist. Aziraphale had to stifle a laugh, as this was actually his plan all along. He knew what the demon was trying to do and since it was taking him so long to do it, he decided to get some help.

"Ummm. well.... since, Im down here... angel? Will you marry me?" Crowley asked, people now staring.

"Yes, dear. Of course." Aziraphale smiled into his glass and the nearby tables applauded politely.

"O-okay." Crowley slipped the golden snake onto his now fiancés finger. His face still tomato red. He grabbed a nearby waiter and ordered another two bottles of wine, wanting to drown himself in wine instead of facing his embarrassment.

"Well, since our job is done, we'll be off!" Adam and the them picked up their belongings and left the restaurant.

Crowley realizing what had just happened shot a look of utter betrayal towards Aziraphale. "You had this planned all along didnt you, you little shit."

"Well, thats not what you should say to your future husband." Aziraphale stated coolly, though he had a smirk on his face.

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