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"Um, just how drunk were you last night, angel?" Crowley stood, mouth gaping at the angel in front of him.

"I wasn't." Azi spoke slowly. When he decided to get himself multiple piercings, he was expecting a different reaction from the demon. He shifted back and forth uncomfortably. "I just went for it."

Crowley was short circuiting a bit. When he woke up this morning, he would have never expected this. In his mind, Azi looked hot. He was always good looking, but there was something about the piercings that made him sexier.

Azi couldn't decide on where he wanted to get the piercings, so he went all in. He had the traditional piercings in his earlobes, but also a few cartilage ones, lip, nose and eyebrow. He even ended up piercing his tongue. He knew he could miracle any away if he didn't like them. He just wanted to be daring for once.

"It looks really hot. It'll just take some time getting used to it." Crowley explained. after 5 minutes of heavy silence.

"I'm glad you like it." Azi said.

"So, what abut Gabriel and the others? Have you shown them?" Crowley asked, trying to imagine their faces.

"Not yet, but I could always miracle them away if the others decide they need to see me." Azi shrugged. In all honesty, he couldn't care less to what they thought anymore.

"Mm. Well, would you care to take a stroll?" Crowley opened the shop door for Azi.

"That would be lovely." They stepped out into the chilly air.


Principality Aziraphale, what are those?" Gabriel questioned, disgust dripping from his voice.

"Oh! You mean these?" Azi pointed to his septum ring, "These are called piercings, they-"

"I know what piercings are." Gabriel snapped, taking a breath, he continued. "Why do you have them?"

"Because, fuck you." At that, Azi had left heaven, smirking.

"So, how'd you it go?" Crowley met Azi at the bottom of the escalators.

"Wonderfully, my dear." Azi linked his arm with Crowley's and they had a very wonderful picnic.

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