Snake Bite

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Aziraphale was quietly reading a book, eyes scanning the page. He was so engrossed into his book, he didn't notice the door slam open and Crowley waltzing into the back room. In one hand, he held a neatly wrapped present and another was a bottle of wine. It didn't take long for him to become impatient.

Azi had still not looked up from his novel. His lips were moving slightly, following along with the story. After flipping the page, Azi finally noticed the other's presence. Smiling, he looked up at the red-head. "Why, hello dear."

"Hey angel." Crowley leaned down and gave his boyfriend a little peck on the lips. "Happy anniversary!" He held out the present.

"Oh, my! Thank you dear. Here's yours." They switched the gifts in their hands.

Opening the box-like gift, it showed a small leather bound book. "This is amazing! How did you get your hands on this?" Azi's eyes shone with excitement.

"It was not too hard." Crowley shrugged, he ripped open his gift. A gold chain and snake pendent was found. Crowley smiled and hurriedly put the new accessory on.

He looked back up and realized that Azi had went straight to reading the new read. "So, did you want to stay in?"

Azi hadn't acknowledged him. He continued to scan the weathered pages. Crowley rolled his eyes and leaned against the chair's arm. "Um, angel?" Silence filled the room. Crowley sighed as he knew that he was out of luck and his boyfriend is gone to the world of literature.

Four hours later, Crowley had moved his boyfriend to sit on his lap. He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time. Trying to get Azi's attention again, he snuggled his face into the other's neck.

Noticing it was not working, Crowley let out a puff of air into Azi's neck. Azi shifted slightly. "Hmm?"

"Are you going to pay attention to me now?" Crowley asked. Azi had went back to the book.

Getting an idea, he moved Azi's neck so he had more access to it. Giving it a small lick, he smiled when he felt Azi shudder. Waiting a minute, he then pressed his lips on the pale skin. Nibbling at the skin, a purple spot started to form. He continued to suck at the soft skin on Azi's neck. Pulling down Azi's shirt, he bit down on his shoulder.

"What the heck?" Azi yelped, putting a hand over the bite.

"Are you finally going to pay attention to me?" Crowley asked. He moved Azi's hand out of the way and looked at the bite, a few drops of blood pooled out. It wasn't that bad compared to other ones they put on each other.

"Fine." Azi got up out of Crowley's lap and looked in a nearby mirror. "What the fuck!"

"What?" Crowley smirked.

"Crowley! I have a meeting tomorrow morning with Gabriel!" Azi stated.

"Well you were ignoring me." Crowley shrugged.

"So?" Azi sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Crowley, you can't just bite me when you feel like it."

"I'm sorry, babe." Crowley went over and gave him a light kiss. "To make up for it, let's watch a movie, your pick."

"Fine, but you have to set everything up."

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